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i3 MK3 + Odroid XU4 + OctoPrint  

Eminent Member
i3 MK3 + Odroid XU4 + OctoPrint


I now have a working setup of i3 MK3 + Odroid XU4 + OctoPrint with USB connection. I'd like to set it up using the PiZero connection port on the Einsy board. Is there anyone here that has the knowledge on how to do it ? And maybe design a simple interface board ? (the board is needed since Odroids CPU uses 1.8V signals). Would be very greatfull for any help with this.

Best regards... Szafran... MK3S + MMU2S + OctoPrint on DELL 3020m

Napsal : 29/01/2018 8:31 pm