I did pre-order MK3 long ago. Do I still will get one T-Shirt?
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I did pre-order MK3 long ago. Do I still will get one T-Shirt?  

Active Member
I did pre-order MK3 long ago. Do I still will get one T-Shirt?

Just asking!

Veröffentlicht : 25/11/2017 4:31 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: I did pre-order MK3 long ago. Do I still will get one T-Shirt?

Context? Are they giving out shirts with orders now?

Veröffentlicht : 25/11/2017 4:40 pm
Jakub Dolezal
Mitglied Admin
Re: I did pre-order MK3 long ago. Do I still will get one T-Shirt?

To my opinion this is only valid for MK3 ordered during Black Friday promotion. Yet if you desire to order the T-shirt, hurry up to order and it might be packed with your MK3 😎

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Veröffentlicht : 25/11/2017 5:04 pm
Eminent Member
Re: I did pre-order MK3 long ago. Do I still will get one T-Shirt?

support said, only orders this weekend get t-shirt. that sucks, really want one.. 😥

Veröffentlicht : 25/11/2017 5:30 pm
Active Member
Re: I did pre-order MK3 long ago. Do I still will get one T-Shirt?

I think Jakob was offering you some encouragement 😉

Veröffentlicht : 25/11/2017 5:36 pm
Estimable Member
Re: I did pre-order MK3 long ago. Do I still will get one T-Shirt?

This is why I really don't like Black Friday... lol.... Makes folks like me who preordered feel like...well... "You'll get a printer when you get it, now sit down." 😛 I'm impatiently waiting for the mid late November shipment. 😛

I'm excited, but... gee. It does make me all sadface when I see that.

Veröffentlicht : 27/11/2017 10:37 pm
Honorable Member
Re: I did pre-order MK3 long ago. Do I still will get one T-Shirt?

I'd rather get my printer early than get a free T-shirt.

Veröffentlicht : 28/11/2017 12:29 am