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Heated Chamber
The MK3 works much better in a heated enclosure. The MK2S doesn't seem to mind (for PLA). I keep my house about 55F in Winter because I love trees, not a pussy and frugal. The MK3 works dynamite @80+F(30C)
Respondido : 25/12/2017 7:52 am
Topic starter
Re: Heated Chamber
ABS prints great...need to score me some PC-ABS next!
Respondido : 25/12/2017 7:56 am
Re: Heated Chamber
Stumbled upon this while searching.
I have an mk2s MMU and I consistently get blockages when printing in the enclosure with the door closed. As soon as the temperature reaches a certain point it blocks. I presume heat creep. Happens with PLA and PETG. Printing with the door open = always succeeding.
Respondido : 26/12/2017 3:23 pm