First layer calibration okay but filament blotchy and don't work when printing
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[Cerrado] First layer calibration okay but filament blotchy and don't work when printing  

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First layer calibration okay but filament blotchy and don't work when printing

Using Original Prusa i3 MK3S for about 2 years. For a while now when I do first layer calibration I start with PLA get a good calibration but with a few blotches or variations in amount of filament. When I switch to PET-G I get a lot of blotches. See photo. Sometimes I get a reasonably good layer other times what is in the photo, which no change in Z setting. The parts where there seems to be good flow are fine but sometimes the filament sticks to the extruder nozzle instead of the sheet other times it doesn't adhere well. Seems like more oozing than before but not sure. Thinking it was a nozzle problem I've done cold pulls and replaced the nozzle. Neither worked. I've adjusted the Bondtech gears. I've dried the filament. If I feed filament in settings it seems fine. I've run and rerun the calibration wizard. I'm out of ideas and would appreciate any help in figuring out what else to try.


Respondido : 07/07/2020 3:25 am