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[Fermé] Fine tune your MK3 X axis  

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Eminent Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

Going off of Number of Teeth, Dimensions: 2GT from Misumi's 2GT pulleys it looks like the pitch diameter (pretty sure that's the same as effective diameter) of a 40 tooth pulley is 25.46 mm

Publié : 08/02/2018 4:07 pm
Brolin Workshop
Eminent Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

Did you have an assembly for the MK3 RHDreambox? Also working in Inventor and would like a good assembly to make my 3d printer enclosure more accurate, if you are willing to share 🙂

Receiving my MK3 sometime in late feb/early march 🙂

Publié : 08/02/2018 6:31 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

Brigandier, do you know what the average diameter (effective) is on a 40 tooth pulley?

Hi RHD, see Lucas' post at the top of this page for details, but it's looking like 26mm? I haven't got the calipers on it (at work currently), but looking like inner diameter on a GT2 20T is about 13mm+-, and the smooth idler is very close to that. This is why I swapped to 20T on both X and Y and called it a day, I can't imagine trying to work out a 26mm+- smooth idler in the MK3 just for the sake of having a smooth idler.

My MK3 Parts: [Bowden] [New Shoes] [TPU Micro Springs]

Publié : 08/02/2018 7:21 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

Hi RHD, see Lucas' post at the top of this page for details, but it's looking like 26mm? I haven't got the calipers on it (at work currently), but looking like inner diameter on a GT2 20T is about 13mm+-, and the smooth idler is very close to that. This is why I swapped to 20T on both X and Y and called it a day, I can't imagine trying to work out a 26mm+- smooth idler in the MK3 just for the sake of having a smooth idler.

Where did you get your idlers and were the bearings notchy? I'd switch to 20T idlers just because I think toothed idlers are the proper way to go but don't want to put one on that has junk bearings.

Publié : 08/02/2018 7:59 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

Where did you get your idlers and were the bearings notchy? I'd switch to 20T idlers just because I think toothed idlers are the proper way to go but don't want to put one on that has junk bearings.

I ordered these. I honestly didn't do much checking on the bearing, but considering it's riding on a screw I figured it couldn't be a huge deal (and I have plenty of others to try if one fouled).

My MK3 Parts: [Bowden] [New Shoes] [TPU Micro Springs]

Publié : 08/02/2018 8:22 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

I'd love to know the reasoning behind the smooth idler... I'm sure the choice wasn't arbitrary.

Publié : 08/02/2018 9:05 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

I obviously don't know Prusa's supplier price but it's probably fair to assume that bulk ordering smooth would be much less $$$ over toothed.

Publié : 08/02/2018 9:10 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

anyone know the ETA on the official Prusa redesign of the x axis mentioned in the blog post a few weeks ago?

Publié : 08/02/2018 11:20 pm
Brolin Workshop
Eminent Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

Thanks RHDreambox, I can't answer on PM, too little activity on the forums i think.. 🙂

Much appreciated!

Publié : 09/02/2018 2:18 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

anyone know the ETA on the official Prusa redesign of the x axis mentioned in the blog post a few weeks ago?

Hey just landed.

Publié : 12/02/2018 6:34 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

Another user just posted a recommendation for a different refined X axis design in another thread:

Anyone else tried this one out? Looks well thought out.

Unfortunately one thing that both the solution above and the newly released R2 PRUSA design lack is the split X carriage back piece for easier access to the X belt, which I thought was a great innovation by area51 and jltx. ( and )

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Publié : 12/02/2018 7:10 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

Another user just posted a recommendation for a different refined X axis design in another thread:

Anyone else tried this one out? Looks well thought out.

Unfortunately one thing that both the solution above and the newly released R2 PRUSA design lack is the split X carriage back piece for easier access to the X belt, which I thought was a great innovation by area51 and jltx. ( and )

That would be easy enough to add. I already made a cut at the new Prusa config.

Publié : 12/02/2018 7:25 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

I added an R2 version with back access.

Publié : 13/02/2018 1:02 am
Prominent Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

I added an R2 version with back access.

Thank you for this!

Publié : 13/02/2018 2:20 am
New Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

where are the files from the first post?

Publié : 15/04/2018 4:40 am
Chris P
Eminent Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

The problem most people have is due to the fact that the pulley only has one bearing in it and it sits on an m3 bolt that is not really a snug fit; therefore allowing it to wobble...

I’ve replaced my pulleys with toothed ones that have 2 bearings and your problem will dissappear...

These in particular are 10 mm wide so I hade te rework the part to create some extra clearance.

Publié : 26/04/2018 7:09 am
Reputable Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

The problem most people have is due to the fact that the pulley only has one bearing in it and it sits on an m3 bolt that is not really a snug fit; therefore allowing it to wobble...

I’ve replaced my pulleys with toothed ones that have 2 bearings and your problem will dissappear...

These in particular are 10 mm wide so I hade te rework the part to create some extra clearance.

Exactly. And better yet, print your own.

Publié : 26/04/2018 11:21 am
Eminent Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

where are the files from the first post?

Publié : 19/05/2018 6:17 am
Active Member
Re: Fine tune your MK3 X axis

Just ordered my MK3 and I was wondering if anyone has confirmed whether Prusa has fixed these issues on their latest models.

Otherwise, I will be printing new parts right away.

Also, would any of the corrected X/Y/Z parts that RHDreambox came up work on an MK2S? I would really like to fix the alignment issues that I've been having on that printer.

Publié : 01/10/2018 5:55 pm
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