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Filament not loading  

New Member
Filament not loading

Have assembled my MK3, printed off 6 designs from SD card. Last night left it on to print the 12hr+ castle. This found that it was 3/4 completed at the 11hr 28 mark. Took it off and tried another design. Found that the filament not moving ? unloaded and tried to reload but i keep getting a click / clicking noise as the gears try too push the filament forward but its meeting resistance and sliping.
1. Cleaned the nooze with the fine probe - see photo on how far up the nooze is goes.
2. Cleaned the filament sensor hole and PTFE tube.
3. When I inserted the fine clean probe into this hole I could feel it hit 'melted' plastic and could be pushed through?
I suspect that the cavity is filled with melted filament?
How do I check/ confirm/clean this?
Thanks in advance

Napsal : 02/04/2018 3:03 am
Active Member
Re: Filament not loading

Hi Kerry

A good way to clean the hotend is by using a cold pull to remove the filament. Your issue sounds a lot like this one where the extruder motor heats up during long prints and melts the filament between the bondtech gears and the bowden tube. My solution was to use a duct and a 40mm fan to blow air onto the gears.

Napsal : 03/04/2018 3:09 am