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Experienced my first real layer shift  

Eminent Member
Experienced my first real layer shift

Running a MK3, 3.1.3 firmware, controlled by OctoPrint. I printed a sphere that took about 9.5 hours to print. At the 7 hr mark, I noticed the print had shifted. All subsequent layers were fine and stayed shifted. I've run this printer about 30 hours so far and not experienced this once.

No one was anywhere near the printer and it's inside an enclosure. Can't explain why this happened. I could use some advice on what to check for.

Napsal : 03/04/2018 1:00 am
Estimable Member
Re: Experienced my first real layer shift

SH.T happens, more often when you're not looking at the print then when you are.....with that said,

Was the shift on the X or Y axis?
Were you running in Stealth?
Were there any large blobs near the shifted layer?
Did you check the object in the Slicers Preview across the layers where it shift occurred to make sure it wasn't the object?

Good explanation on causes at the link below.

Given the fact that you've been printing fine for the last 30 hours (depending on objects you're printing), may not be worth investing the time in messing around with (short of making sure everything is screwed tight) anything unless it becomes frequent occurrence.

Napsal : 03/04/2018 3:05 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Experienced my first real layer shift

SH.T happens, more often when you're not looking at the print then when you are.....with that said,

Was the shift on the X or Y axis?
Were you running in Stealth?
Were there any large blobs near the shifted layer?
Did you check the object in the Slicers Preview across the layers where it shift occurred to make sure it wasn't the object?

Shift was on the Y axis. It looks from the timelapse that the bed just went back a tiny bit.
Not sure what Stealth is, so if it's not on by default, then no.
No large blobs that I could see. Surface seemed normal.
Did not check slicer preview. Will look into that.

Given the fact that you've been printing fine for the last 30 hours (depending on objects you're printing), may not be worth investing the time in messing around with (short of making sure everything is screwed tight) anything unless it becomes frequent occurrence.

Agreed. Might have been the design. It was done in Cinema4D by a friend of mine and a couple of the other pieces showed up as broken and would not slice without running a repair. This one didn't need the repair but that doesn't mean it wasn't a problem anyway.

Napsal : 03/04/2018 3:13 am
Estimable Member
Re: Experienced my first real layer shift

Sounds like it lost steps.

In Settings there is an option called Mode which can be configured to Normal or Stealth. Normal Mode takes advantage of the Trinamic drivers in an attempt to detect skipped steps/layer shifting. Stealth disables this feature with the advantage of running quieter. Can't remember which mode is on by default but worth checking it.

If you're using Slic3r, load the object in slic3r and Export G-Code, then click the Preview tab at the bottom left, use the slider on the right side of the preview and move the object up to the layers where it shifted. Look at the object and see if there is an apparent shift. I like slicer but it's handling of "corrupt" objects drives me crazy. Especially when it happens in a really long print! I've had failed prints due to mishandling of objects to the point where whenever I use slic3r, I've made a habit of loading it into another program to detect errors before slicing. If you're using Windows, the built in 3DBuilder works amazing at detect and repairing failed objects. If you're not using Windows, try Mesh Maker.

You could also try loading the g-code into another program to see how it's handled, Try uploading the g-code here and select 3D to preview the the object generated by the g-code.

Napsal : 03/04/2018 5:01 am