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Einsy Development  

Eminent Member
Einsy Development

Who's been watching the Einsy development on GitHub? Looks like they recently added flash memory to the board, and at the beginning of November, rush ordered a a bunch of "ERBB" boards which appear to add flash memory for the previous rev, presumably to retrofit the first batch of MK3s (they were printed with orange silkscreens). Any theories as to what the flash is for?

Respondido : 21/11/2017 8:37 pm
The Plastic Shed
Estimable Member
Re: Einsy Development

Well when I compiled the latest firmware it came to 97% full .... my guess is running out of code space ... though how they fit more onto the 'new' board is incredible.

Although I confess I haven't see anything like this - which repository / branch was this in ? (last I saw was 7 days ago in ultimachine / einsy-rambo branch 1.1a not seen any mention of additional flash.

1.1a revision summary on the circuit diags says added 2mb serial flash - I reckon it is for SPI communication purposes because I see U13 with a 2mb reference on page 5 of 11 but no part number showing what it is but likely some sort of SST25 package but I'm guessing at the latter.

Respondido : 21/11/2017 11:02 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Einsy Development

Looks like you found it, but for anyone else: https://github.com/ultimachine/Einsy-Rambo/blob/1.1a/board/Project%20Outputs/Schematic%20Prints_Einsy%20Rambo_1.1a.PDF

The "ERBB", which I mentioned seems to be a retrofit for previous versions, is here: https://github.com/ultimachine/ERBB

Respondido : 21/11/2017 11:28 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Einsy Development

I think this is what they're using: https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/winbond-electronics/W25X20CLUXIG-TR/W25X20CLUXIGCT-ND/5764887

Edit: I think so because that's what they have listed in the BOM 😉

Respondido : 21/11/2017 11:35 pm
The Plastic Shed
Estimable Member
Re: Einsy Development

Looks a likely candidate, the pin out is correct and it has a 3.3VDC option - which is what is shown on the circuit diagram.

Respondido : 21/11/2017 11:39 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Einsy Development

Would you guys break the purpose of the change down in a little more detail for those of us not as familiar with these things please?

What did they use before for memory and at what capacity if it is known?

Clearly money is a driving factor for everything, and why spec something too large for the application, but it's sounds like this is exactley what has happened is they ran out of room and the allocated memory has been exceeded requiring a increase of capacity?

This is good in a way though?

This will allow for future expansion without tight limitations?

Respondido : 22/11/2017 12:56 am
The Plastic Shed
Estimable Member
Re: Einsy Development

As it stands I'd have to read through the code to see what this serial memory is specifically for but it seems to be some sort of serial communication buffer handling commands in and out of the CPU.

I just had a quick scan through the code I have and can't see anything jumping off the page beyond it is nothing more than a command buffer but how it is employed given that the system has a panic mode (saves last executed command) is the bit I am missing.

I may have another look into this later - alas the day job is interfering with the more interesting things to do ...

Respondido : 22/11/2017 10:21 am
Josef Průša
Miembro Admin
Re: Einsy Development

Haha, nice detective work. Yes, we found that Trinamic drivers were sending 5V to the SPI of SD card, so we created fix board and when we were at it, we also added SPI flash to offload languages onto it 🙂

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Respondido : 24/11/2017 3:30 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Einsy Development

Interesting! Came these changes early enough so that the first batch MK3s will have this latest and greatest EINSY revision?

EDIT: Oh OK, I get it, there is an add on board to level shift (3.3V to 5V) the SPI communications to/from drivers? I wonder how these boards are connected to the EINSY and what the results from this are...

Josef it would be cool to read a story one day on your blog on all the last minute hurdles that you guys had to cope with prior to the start of MK3 shipment! 😉

Personally I just use "English" as the printers language even though its a foreign language to me. But all my source of knowledge about 3D printing is the English speaking world wide web (aka YouTube:-)) But it is nice that there is now enough space for a monolithic firmware release containing all languages.

Respondido : 24/11/2017 4:08 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Einsy Development

Haha, nice detective work. Yes, we found that Trinamic drivers were sending 5V to the SPI of SD card, so we created fix board and when we were at it, we also added SPI flash to offload languages onto it 🙂

Wow, thanks for clearing that up. Guess I was too distracted by the flash to see whole story properly.

Been doing a lot of detective work waiting for the MK3 source to release. FYI, still interested in a job if you decide you want anyone in the US 😉

Respondido : 24/11/2017 7:43 pm