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Display cable pinout?  

Trusted Member
Display cable pinout?

Anybody have some information on the pinout of the the display cables?

I've been thinking about modifying my MK3 to use a full graphical display like this one:

but I want to make sure the pinout is the same, or at least standard.

I've seen there are some settings in marlin for these graphical displays already, so I figure its worth a try.

Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2018 3:12 pm
Philip Hoeffer
Active Member
Re: Display cable pinout?

They are the same, BUT you will have to compile the Prusa Firmware yourself,
ASSUMING that they didn't cut out the code used to support the full-graphic display the 4x20 displays are not
interchangable with the full graphic displays The controllers work differently & have different commands.

The Marlin source code they forked ffrom "had" the code to support that display with ( I use that exact display
on my MendelMax, & I had to modify the Marlin config files, Compile & Flash my Arduino to get it to work.

I havent looked at the github repository for Prusa'a fork to see it it still has the support for other displays. It is said they cut out a bunch of unneeded code to add in the features they now have.

Ty Hoeffer
Palmyra, VA

Veröffentlicht : 19/01/2018 5:08 am