Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order
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Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order  

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Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

I have ordered my Prusa I3 mk3 kit in October, when the Prusa Website advertised it as due to start shipping in November. Then November became LATE November, then December, then January, then late January, etc. I'm fet ups with the constant lies and marketing hype from Prusa. But it makes sense, Joe Prusa is more about Marketing hype than anything else.

Before this Sunday January 14th, my Prusa Kit was displayed as due to ship this week,that is the week of January 15th. Then precisely one day before, on Sunday 14th, that information got updated from the 15th, to the 29th. Take that dear customer. And if it were not the 4th time such new delays had happened since I had ordered.

Several e-mails I got from Prusa Support staff imply they knew form the begining it was going to ship end of November, but when I had ordered, it said November, not late November. Therefore a blatant lie, designed to mislead clients just to get their orders locked in. Anyhow, we are no longer counting the lies from Prusa Research, are we ?

For less than the price of the Prusa kit which never arrived, I have ordered a Flogertech FT-5 R2 (which has just arrived, only several days after ordering), and also ordered a Bondtech extruder straight from Sweden, an E3D hotend straight from E3D, and a Duet WIFI with TMC2660 integrated drivers over SPI > all of which have arrived less than one week after having ordered, perhaps Joe Prusa could get some tips from all these guys on how to run an efficient business, rather than spending all his time Marketing and clowning on Youtube. Certainly, it works, I fell for it myself, but one only falls to it once.

PS. Had Prusa been honest about delivery times, and had they shown in October a delivery time for January, I may have ordered, or I may not have ordered, but I would never have been frustrated about it. Actually, it is probable I would have ordered and waited. But it is the constant lies, delays, the drip by drip information, which were really too much (BECAUSE THEY ARE PLAIN LIES DESIGNED SIMPLY TO GET CUSTOMERS TO SUBSIDIZE PRUSA'S ROLLING STOCK) There a banks for this, or Kickstarter, no need to lie to customers ! I was very sympathetic to Joe's case against PayPal. But now I really wonder whether PayPal had not a valid reason to be suspicious about Prusa's cash-flows and business practices. It seems actually that they did have a valid point, and that Joe Prusa is a great comedian on YouTube.

Postato : 21/01/2018 5:03 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

Yeaaa! The rest of us move up in the queue now!

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Postato : 21/01/2018 5:28 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

I placed my order on November 11th, and at the time it was very clear to me that I should expect my order to ship sometime in January or February.

Not sure what I saw that you didn't, but so far the shipping schedule is pretty close to what I expected.

Postato : 21/01/2018 5:49 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

I have ordered my Prusa I3 mk3 kit in October, when the Prusa Website advertised it as due to start shipping in November. Then November became LATE November, then December, then January, then late January, etc. I'm fet ups with the constant lies and marketing hype from Prusa. But it makes sense, Joe Prusa is more about Marketing hype than anything else.

Before this Sunday January 14th, my Prusa Kit was displayed as due to ship this week,that is the week of January 15th. Then precisely one day before, on Sunday 14th, that information got updated from the 15th, to the 29th. Take that dear customer. And if it were not the 4th time such new delays had happened since I had ordered.

Several e-mails I got from Prusa Support staff imply they knew form the begining it was going to ship end of November, but when I had ordered, it said November, not late November. Therefore a blatant lie, designed to mislead clients just to get their orders locked in. Anyhow, we are no longer counting the lies from Prusa Research, are we ?

For less than the price of the Prusa kit which never arrived, I have ordered a Flogertech FT-5 R2 (which has just arrived, only several days after ordering), and also ordered a Bondtech extruder straight from Sweden, an E3D hotend straight from E3D, and a Duet WIFI with TMC2660 integrated drivers over SPI > all of which have arrived less than one week after having ordered, perhaps Joe Prusa could get some tips from all these guys on how to run an efficient business, rather than spending all his time Marketing and clowning on Youtube. Certainly, it works, I fell for it myself, but one only falls to it once.

PS. Had Prusa been honest about delivery times, and had they shown in October a delivery time for January, I may have ordered, or I may not have ordered, but I would never have been frustrated about it. Actually, it is probable I would have ordered and waited. But it is the constant lies, delays, the drip by drip information, which were really too much (BECAUSE THEY ARE PLAIN LIES DESIGNED SIMPLY TO GET CUSTOMERS TO SUBSIDIZE PRUSA'S ROLLING STOCK) There a banks for this, or Kickstarter, no need to lie to customers ! I was very sympathetic to Joe's case against PayPal. But now I really wonder whether PayPal had not a valid reason to be suspicious about Prusa's cash-flows and business practices. It seems actually that they did have a valid point, and that Joe Prusa is a great comedian on YouTube.

You probably should have ordered an MK2S then.

Postato : 21/01/2018 5:58 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

I have ordered my Prusa I3 mk3 kit in October, when the Prusa Website advertised it as due to start shipping in November. Then November became LATE November, then December, then January, then late January, etc. I'm fet ups with the constant lies and marketing hype from Prusa. But it makes sense, Joe Prusa is more about Marketing hype than anything else.

Before this Sunday January 14th, my Prusa Kit was displayed as due to ship this week,that is the week of January 15th. Then precisely one day before, on Sunday 14th, that information got updated from the 15th, to the 29th. Take that dear customer. And if it were not the 4th time such new delays had happened since I had ordered.

Several e-mails I got from Prusa Support staff imply they knew form the begining it was going to ship end of November, but when I had ordered, it said November, not late November. Therefore a blatant lie, designed to mislead clients just to get their orders locked in. Anyhow, we are no longer counting the lies from Prusa Research, are we ?

For less than the price of the Prusa kit which never arrived, I have ordered a Flogertech FT-5 R2 (which has just arrived, only several days after ordering), and also ordered a Bondtech extruder straight from Sweden, an E3D hotend straight from E3D, and a Duet WIFI with TMC2660 integrated drivers over SPI > all of which have arrived less than one week after having ordered, perhaps Joe Prusa could get some tips from all these guys on how to run an efficient business, rather than spending all his time Marketing and clowning on Youtube. Certainly, it works, I fell for it myself, but one only falls to it once.

PS. Had Prusa been honest about delivery times, and had they shown in October a delivery time for January, I may have ordered, or I may not have ordered, but I would never have been frustrated about it. Actually, it is probable I would have ordered and waited. But it is the constant lies, delays, the drip by drip information, which were really too much (BECAUSE THEY ARE PLAIN LIES DESIGNED SIMPLY TO GET CUSTOMERS TO SUBSIDIZE PRUSA'S ROLLING STOCK) There a banks for this, or Kickstarter, no need to lie to customers ! I was very sympathetic to Joe's case against PayPal. But now I really wonder whether PayPal had not a valid reason to be suspicious about Prusa's cash-flows and business practices. It seems actually that they did have a valid point, and that Joe Prusa is a great comedian on YouTube.

You probably should have ordered an MK2S then.

I did not want an MK2S, that is why I did not order an MK2 not a MK2S when they were launched. I already have a self made 3D Printer and what the MK2 had to offer was simply not compelling enough.

Postato : 21/01/2018 6:21 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

You are the first person I have read a post from who ordered a printer in October and expected it to ship in November. It was obvious to everyone in the threads that I've read that the only folks getting their printers shipped at the end of November were the ones who ordered it in the very few first days the printer went on sale back in September. The website never said YOUR printer was going to ship in November. It said the product would START shipping in November (which it did). I ordered mine on September 25th, just a few days after the initial sales, and I got mine in late December, which was totally consistent with the info PRUSA put out. The earliest you were ever going to get your printer was some time in January. Somehow that was clear to everyone but you.

Has PRUSA experienced delays? Sure, as many small companies shipping a new product can. But you blowing up over this is far more about your own misguided expectations and misunderstanding of the situation than it is about "lies".

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Postato : 21/01/2018 6:26 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

I placed my order on November 11th, and at the time it was very clear to me that I should expect my order to ship sometime in January or February.

Not sure what I saw that you didn't, but so far the shipping schedule is pretty close to what I expected.

Well perhaps you are used to the "Prusa" way of doing things. When I ordered, their website said shipping would start in November, which then got changed to late November, then December, then 1(th of January, then on the 14th of January (sharp) it got delayed again to the 29th. In my book those are plain lies designed to lock customers in and subsidize Joe's rolling stock (and bank account). Not on my money, not when I4m paying a hefty premium for buying the original thing rather than a copy.

There are plenty of good printers out there for 800 Euros. Who needs to suck up to Joe Prusa and submit to his misleading business practices ?

Postato : 21/01/2018 6:27 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

Yeaaa! The rest of us move up in the queue now!

Good luck with that !

Postato : 21/01/2018 6:27 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

You are the first person I have read a post from who ordered a printer in October and expected it to ship in November. It was obvious to everyone in the threads that I've read that the only folks getting their printers shipped at the end of November were the ones who ordered it in the very few first days the printer went on sale back in September. The website never said YOUR printer was going to ship in November. It said the product would START shipping in November. I ordered mine on September 25th, just a few days after the initial sales, and I got mine in late Decemeber, which was consistent with the info PRUSA put out. The earliest you were ever going to get your printer was some time in January. Apparently that was clear to everyone but you.

Has PRUSA experienced delays? Sure, as many small companies shipping a new product can. But you blowing up over this is far more about your own misguided expectations and misunderstanding of the situation than it is about "lies".

Well, this is what Prusa was saying on his Website then ! And to be honest, after the Prusa MK2 debacle which was in the same situation, I assumed he had learned the lesson and fixed the bloody supply chain thing ! But no, it's the same story again. If you are fine with it, go with my blessing.

Once I have cancelled the PRusa MK3 order, I've ordered a Fogertech FT5 R2 which arrived less than 10 days later from the US, as it was advertised. Now John Folger is the same kind of small business as Prusa, perhaps even smaller. But he has fixed his CNC milling process, sped things up, and certainly did improve things in all regards from the mark 1 to R2, which by the way is a great printer. I will never be able to compare it to the MK3, because I'll never order anything again EVER from Prusa, but I doubt Prusa will be able to beat a printer running on MGN rails, once well calibrated and aligned.

Postato : 21/01/2018 6:35 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

Someone needs to learn the difference between an estimate and a guarantee, and also of things being made to order versus off the shelf.

You don't know what happened to cause the delays, it could well have been out of Prusa's hands. They have a new factory and a new product and (one assumes) new suppliers, all carrying a risk of causing a problem. I can understand your frustration, sure, but thems the breaks with a brand new product with a backlog of orders.

Postato : 21/01/2018 7:27 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

You are completely correct in that information from PR clearly comes in the category "too little, too late". They could have posted a more precise shipping schedule earlier. They could have posted more clear warnings regarding expected fulfillment timeline and the clear possibility of delays. Jo could have posted this much earlier, and while it is great to know that a summarizing blog post is in the works, I'd rather have that info on a week-by-week basis.

On the other hand, you did post this with the express purpose of being confrontational. You didn't need to spam the forum with these copy-pasted posts. You don't need to pseudo-advertise a different printer choice in order to make yourself feel better about your own decision.

Yeaaa! The rest of us move up in the queue now!

Good luck with that !

And you don't need to keep baiting people that respond to your trolling.

You feel slighted by the bad communication from PR. That is fine. You've responded by canceling your preorder and choosing a different product from a different company. That is also fine. The rest you've done is just antagonize people.

Postato : 21/01/2018 7:31 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

Someone needs to learn the difference between an estimate and a guarantee, and also of things being made to order versus off the shelf.

You don't know what happened to cause the delays, it could well have been out of Prusa's hands. They have a new factory and a new product and (one assumes) new suppliers, all carrying a risk of causing a problem. I can understand your frustration, sure, but thems the breaks with a brand new product with a backlog of orders.

Indeed, I don't really know what caused the delays, and I don't really care: that is Joe Prusa job. What I do know is that this is a repeat of MK2, and as such is not an accident, but rather the "Prusa" way of doing business apparently. Did I mention that not only did i get the Folgertech FT5 on time, but I also got the E3D hotend, the Bondtech extruder, and the Duet Wifi board less then one week after ordering them ? Now all these are small businesses delivering new, innovating products, yet they deliver them on time ! Dow do tyhey do it ? pWell I guess they spend less time than Prusa monkeying on Youtube and more time actually running their business and delivering on their promises. What is there more to say ?!

Had it been clearly advertised on Prusa's website "Order now, get your printer in February", I may have ordered, or not, but I would not have been frustrated about it. It is the constant, nagging delay after delay, which were so annoying. The drop which tipped the scale being the new delay of 2 weeks, which was announced on the 14th, when my printer was due to ship on the week of the 15th ! And it it were not the 4th new delay ...

Postato : 21/01/2018 7:40 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

You are the first person I have read a post from who ordered a printer in October and expected it to ship in November. It was obvious to everyone in the threads that I've read that the only folks getting their printers shipped at the end of November were the ones who ordered it in the very few first days the printer went on sale back in September. The website never said YOUR printer was going to ship in November. It said the product would START shipping in November. I ordered mine on September 25th, just a few days after the initial sales, and I got mine in late Decemeber, which was consistent with the info PRUSA put out. The earliest you were ever going to get your printer was some time in January. Apparently that was clear to everyone but you.

Has PRUSA experienced delays? Sure, as many small companies shipping a new product can. But you blowing up over this is far more about your own misguided expectations and misunderstanding of the situation than it is about "lies".

Maybe the second person, I was led to believe via a couple of chats that I'd have my unit by the end of the year.

Well, this is what Prusa was saying on his Website then ! And to be honest, after the Prusa MK2 debacle which was in the same situation, I assumed he had learned the lesson and fixed the bloody supply chain thing ! But no, it's the same story again. If you are fine with it, go with my blessing.

Once I have cancelled the PRusa MK3 order, I've ordered a Fogertech FT5 R2 which arrived less than 10 days later from the US, as it was advertised. Now John Folger is the same kind of small business as Prusa, perhaps even smaller. But he has fixed his CNC milling process, sped things up, and certainly did improve things in all regards from the mark 1 to R2, which by the way is a great printer. I will never be able to compare it to the MK3, because I'll never order anything again EVER from Prusa, but I doubt Prusa will be able to beat a printer running on MGN rails, once well calibrated and aligned.

I feel your pain though my unit finally shipped I completely understand where you're coming from. $800 is a respectable amount of cash to lay out and not receive the product for months. Unless I'm totally smitten with the MK3 I'm not sure I'd be willing to front money for such a long time in the future. This is my first 3D printer so I don't have anything to toy with while waiting on this one, I'm sure I wouldn't have been as anxious if I had a unit in service. For anyone pointing to kickstarter this isn't kickstarter and if I did decide to back a kickstarter project for some reason I never see happening I'd consider the $$ as a donation not as a purchase.

Postato : 21/01/2018 7:42 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

You are the first person I have read a post from who ordered a printer in October and expected it to ship in November. It was obvious to everyone in the threads that I've read that the only folks getting their printers shipped at the end of November were the ones who ordered it in the very few first days the printer went on sale back in September. The website never said YOUR printer was going to ship in November. It said the product would START shipping in November. I ordered mine on September 25th, just a few days after the initial sales, and I got mine in late Decemeber, which was consistent with the info PRUSA put out. The earliest you were ever going to get your printer was some time in January. Apparently that was clear to everyone but you.

Has PRUSA experienced delays? Sure, as many small companies shipping a new product can. But you blowing up over this is far more about your own misguided expectations and misunderstanding of the situation than it is about "lies".

Maybe the second person, I was led to believe via a couple of chats that I'd have my unit by the end of the year.

Well, this is what Prusa was saying on his Website then ! And to be honest, after the Prusa MK2 debacle which was in the same situation, I assumed he had learned the lesson and fixed the bloody supply chain thing ! But no, it's the same story again. If you are fine with it, go with my blessing.

Once I have cancelled the PRusa MK3 order, I've ordered a Fogertech FT5 R2 which arrived less than 10 days later from the US, as it was advertised. Now John Folger is the same kind of small business as Prusa, perhaps even smaller. But he has fixed his CNC milling process, sped things up, and certainly did improve things in all regards from the mark 1 to R2, which by the way is a great printer. I will never be able to compare it to the MK3, because I'll never order anything again EVER from Prusa, but I doubt Prusa will be able to beat a printer running on MGN rails, once well calibrated and aligned.

I feel your pain though my unit finally shipped I completely understand where you're coming from. $800 is a respectable amount of cash to lay out and not receive the product for months. Unless I'm totally smitten with the MK3 I'm not sure I'd be willing to front money for such a long time in the future. This is my first 3D printer so I don't have anything to toy with while waiting on this one, I'm sure I wouldn't have been as anxious if I had a unit in service. For anyone pointing to kickstarter this isn't kickstarter and if I did decide to back a kickstarter project for some reason I never see happening I'd consider the $$ as a donation not as a purchase.

Oh, by the way: just found the "Order tracking file" some people were mentioning:

This is testament to how lousy a job this company is making !!!! There are weeks on end when they have only shipped 1 or 2 orders a day .... This is ludicrous ! Then they were closed for almost 2 weeks from Christmas through the 8th of January. It's not like they have millions of orders to deliver, no, THEY ARE JUST PLAIN LAZY AND DISORGANIZED. Shipping I or 2 kits a day ? When in Joe Prusa's Youtube Marketing he shows up with dozens of printers and boxes in the background ? Yeah, this only confirms what a bunch of professional liars they are .... And probably growing way too fat from being paid months in advance !

Postato : 21/01/2018 8:16 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

Oh, by the way: just found the "Order tracking file" some people were mentioning:

This is testament to how lousy a job this company is making !!!! There are weeks on end when they have only shipped 1 or 2 orders a day .... This is ludicrous ! Then they were closed for almost 2 weeks from Christmas through the 8th of January. It's not like they have millions of orders to deliver, no, THEY ARE JUST PLAIN LAZY AND DISORGANIZED. Shipping I or 2 kits a day ? When in Joe Prusa's Youtube Marketing he shows up with dozens of printers and boxes in the background ? Yeah, this only confirms what a bunch of professional liars they are .... And probably growing way too fat from being paid months in advance !

Turns out they were mandated by EU labour law to give their workers their vacation days. Don't you just hate it when other people's socialism come in the way of your own sweet, sweet capitalism?

Postato : 21/01/2018 8:21 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

Oliver you keep boasting that all the other parts you ordered have been send and delivered inside a week after ordering. But you seem to keep missing the point that the parts you ordered of E3D, Bondtech and the Duet Wifi are products that have been on sale for a longer time then the mk3 has been.
So those companies have had more time to get thing up and rolling, furthermore i bet that order to order there are less sales for the bondtech extruder and duet wifi compared to the mk3.

Only E3D would be the one i would pick out of this list with a sales total that could rival or surpass Prusa in the few months that the mk3 has been on sale, but guess what, in that time frame only the Titan Aqua has been released a a fully new product.

As for Folger, here you may have a point as for the speed at which he fulfilled your order. But then again, how many sales have there been of the FT-5 R2? Probably a lot less then the mk3 don't you think?

I ordered my mk3 on 10-01-2018, and that was when the website still said Februari as the shipping month for new orders, however when speaking to the chat before i placed my order, i already knew it would be March and i would be guessing end of March. Now on 14 januari the shipping table was finally updated and the list says March first. And if they make that, bravo, if they don't, then boohoo, it will get here. And yes 800 euro's is a lot of money to just give in advance for a piece of tech. But if i dare to throw away money on a Chinese printer, then i can surely wait for a mk3 with one thing no Chinese kit will ever offer, warranty and support.

I know the Folger is not a Chinese, so i don't compare it to that, but don't keep blabbering on deliveries that can't be directly compared to the mk3 situation.

And lastly i hope the Folger printer may be all what you want it to be, and will serve you for a long time.

Postato : 21/01/2018 8:30 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

Someone needs to learn the difference between an estimate and a guarantee, and also of things being made to order versus off the shelf.

You don't know what happened to cause the delays, it could well have been out of Prusa's hands. They have a new factory and a new product and (one assumes) new suppliers, all carrying a risk of causing a problem. I can understand your frustration, sure, but thems the breaks with a brand new product with a backlog of orders.

Exactly. and that someone is Joe Prusa himself. When he publishes something on his company website which says 'shipping in November", that is a business commitment. If he knows it will only ship in february next year, that should read "Order now, receive your order in February 2018", full stop.

Just found this :

Have you seen how many orders they had to deliver ? A measly 560 orders (kits and assembled, total), since the product was launched ! the problem is there were weeks on end when they only delivered one or 2 orders a day, then they took 2 full weeks off for Christmas and the new year! Mind boggling ! It's as if they did it on purpose ! You know the good news ? After tens of orders a week for the first months, they are now down to a mere several new orders a week, which means people are not as stupid as they seem and most people do not find paying 800 EUR in advance for a 3D printer and being misled into waiting for 4 months to get one, it not such a good deal indeed. Now there are always the hardcore fans eager to defend Prusa, but in my book, taking 4 months to deliver not even half of a meager 560 orders, is simply nonsense. He is just doing it on purpose in order to feed the "hype".

Postato : 21/01/2018 8:37 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

Hi guys, seems like a Hard tone in the thread....

I was also quite disappointed about the pour info about the schedule.....It was not near crystal clear and still there are things for the company to make better,
Its really frustrating to just wait, in my case I had a launch of my fpv_frame project that is waiting for 3d printed parts....
I expected that the printer would leave the factory allot sooner then it's going to do in real life....I'm hoping they will hold their latest prediction....

I was really sad to get the new update in shipping date announcement when my printer were set to 15January.....And then 2days before....It changed......And I don't like waiting....

But the thing is that I know the potential of this printer since I've seen the parts coming out of the Mk2 .......And that beats any other printer I've ever seen .....The quality is really high, the I3MK3 is not there yet....But I think that it will be pretty soon the Prusa team are really good generally to its customers and they care about us....But the wait is a hell....

Thanks I'm glad and positive that I didn't cancel my order!

If you want to be able to print High Quality parts, and the ability to print all filaments there is ....(I guess) Prusa I3MK3 is the right printer for you...

☺️ And me...!!! ☺️

/Swedronez_fpv frames....Built with a prusa....Soon....haha

Postato : 21/01/2018 8:50 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

I'm sorry, but Oliver are you really that thick?

The Google document you found is maintained by the good people in the forum, not Prusa themselves!
That means that the orders on the list are the only ones that people themselves put on there, and can therefore be never counted as a total off orders.

We and you simply cannot know how many orders Prusa got, until they make the figures public. So please stop with making a fool of yourself in using that list as some sort of proof. 😆

Postato : 21/01/2018 9:05 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Delays over delays for the MK3 - I'm fed up, cancelled my order

Have you seen how many orders they had to deliver ? A measly 560 orders (kits and assembled, total), since the product was launched !

You do realize that that spreadsheet is self-sourced, and only contains the orders from those users that decided to add their orders to the spreadsheet. If you look at the "Total order volume" tab you can see the estimation - yes, estimation, we don't have precise numbers - for how many total orders PR had during the fall. It averages out to 250 orders/day, although that includes all PR orders, not just MK3.

Postato : 21/01/2018 9:08 pm
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