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Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...  

Stránka 3 / 3
Active Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

Thank you Mr. Prusa ... and important that you also comment on the MK3 problems ...

Print resume Bug:

Axis Tuning and Problems:

We hope that the newly delivered MK3 ready assembled and kits are already modified and will not continue to be delivered as faulty. After all, having to print spare parts yourself makes a cheap impression ...
Otherwise, PRUSA will probably lose its reputation and sink to the level of "China Toy".

Do you drive a cheap car built in the far east or a German car from a manufacturer who are continually innovating?
Prusa won't loose their reputation because their machines are not built to a price. They are built to a specification.

Napsal : 09/02/2018 11:26 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

I have every confidence in Prusa to support the printer, stand by their product and also to continue to develop it. Try that with a Chinese model!

In Short:- Ignore the negative comments, they are made by people who don't know anything about 3D printing.
Buy the printer in the knowledge that it is the most advanced machine in its class. Any issues will be addressed in due course because Josef Prusa has his name on it and his reputation to uphold.

I wish this forum had an upvote button. Well said! My sentiments exactly!

Napsal : 10/02/2018 1:00 am
Estimable Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

There's some serious cherry-picking going on here.

On the one hand, you guys say that perception is skewed by people pointing out problems in the forums because there's apparently a silent majority of happy customers.

But there's almost a concerted effort to compensate for that by people on the forums giving soothing guarantees that "PR will make it right by the time you get the printer!"*.

If someone were dumb enough to set the unrealistic expectation that, well, PR makes it right by the time they get the printer, guess what?

It's their own fault for having that expectation!

You can't have it both ways. You only slap down the data from people pointing out the problems, but you don't slap down ANY of the comments that help set unrealistic expectations.

Thomas Sanladerer just released his Mk3 review. I was amused by his comments about beta testing people's products.

* How many of you would be making such recommendations if you actually had to take responsibility for your recommendations?

Napsal : 10/02/2018 2:07 am
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

There's some serious cherry-picking going on here.

I'm not sure what your point is. Given all the facts, I think there's a wide variety of reasonable opinions people can hold ranging from "it's not ready for market" to "most of the problems have been minor and will probably be fixed."

We've heard the entire range of opinions expressed in this forum with varying degrees of certainty, intensity, and coherency. A lot depends on each person's expectations and experience level.

I think it's perfectly OK to disagree, and you can hold different opinions of the MK3 without being ignorant of the facts or willfully blind to the problems some people are having.

Of course, that's just my opinion, and you can disagree about that, too.

Napsal : 10/02/2018 3:02 am
Reputable Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

I'm satisfied with my printer and think it prints pretty well. For the first time I printed calibration cubes today and they came out nice. I'm posting pictures but have to say the pictures look much worse than the actual part in hand does so I'm posting them here for reference of what a novice user with no experience is getting from a kit. Judge and decide for yourself...

Anyone care to share like pictures from a MK2 or other "better" printer?

Both prints are from the same gcode file just different color filament...

Napsal : 10/02/2018 3:34 am
Trusted Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

Wow, Edward.c6 outstanding prints, please tell us what slicer and profile did you use. Also normal power or Low power

Napsal : 10/02/2018 4:00 am
Reputable Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

Wow, Edward.c6 outstanding prints, please tell us what slicer and profile did you use. Also normal power or Low power

It was done using Simplify3D... My kids friend set it up and now I'm thinking it's may be time to switch slicers...

edit: see the poor print quality thread for the gcode file to the calibration cube...

Napsal : 10/02/2018 4:49 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

I'm not sure what your point is. Given all the facts, I think there's a wide variety of reasonable opinions people can hold ranging from "it's not ready for market" to "most of the problems have been minor and will probably be fixed."

Why are you mixing facts and opinions? You literally, seamlessly jump from facts to opinion in the very same sentence, as if they were interchangeable.

We've heard the entire range of opinions expressed in this forum with varying degrees of certainty, intensity, and coherency. A lot depends on each person's expectations and experience level.

I think it's perfectly OK to disagree, and you can hold different opinions of the MK3 without being ignorant of the facts or willfully blind to the problems some people are having.

Of course, that's just my opinion, and you can disagree about that, too.

All you have to do is cast aside the opinions and look for the data. That's what intelligent people should do when reading reviews anyways.

If you read a review that's full of nuthugging, you generally just ignore it. In fact you should make a mental note that the reviewer is not credible for the next time.

You only focus on the reviews which actually present problems with a product. You then look at the complaints and judge them on their merits.

When the actual source code is inspected and holes are literally misaligned or not at the right or consistent size, or some other geometry problem, that's no longer a matter of opinion. That's moved into mathematically, provably wrong territory.

"Well that's just like your opinion man" is pretty much a last ditch losing argument.

Napsal : 12/02/2018 6:34 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

I'm not sure what your point is. Given all the facts, I think there's a wide variety of reasonable opinions people can hold ranging from "it's not ready for market" to "most of the problems have been minor and will probably be fixed."

Why are you mixing facts and opinions? You literally, seamlessly jump from facts to opinion in the very same sentence, as if they were interchangeable.

We've heard the entire range of opinions expressed in this forum with varying degrees of certainty, intensity, and coherency. A lot depends on each person's expectations and experience level.

I think it's perfectly OK to disagree, and you can hold different opinions of the MK3 without being ignorant of the facts or willfully blind to the problems some people are having.

Of course, that's just my opinion, and you can disagree about that, too.

All you have to do is cast aside the opinions and look for the data. That's what intelligent people should do when reading reviews anyways.

If you read a review that's full of nuthugging, you generally just ignore it. In fact you should make a mental note that the reviewer is not credible for the next time.

You only focus on the reviews which actually present problems with a product. You then look at the complaints and judge them on their merits.

When the actual source code is inspected and holes are literally misaligned or not at the right or consistent size, or some other geometry problem, that's no longer a matter of opinion. That's moved into mathematically, provably wrong territory.

"Well that's just like your opinion man" is pretty much a last ditch losing argument.

Maybe I'm dense, but I'm really not seeing your point here. I 100% accept the fact that there are problems with the MK3. All I'm trying to say is that different people have different opinions about what those problems mean for them, and that's perfectly reasonable.

Am I wrong? Are you trying to say that there's only one correct opinion?

When someone says, "The powder-coated build plate isn't shipping yet," or "There have been a couple people who had their filament sensors overheat" those are facts and nobody should be ignoring them if they want to make an informed judgment. But if someone says, "The MK3 should not be shipping until they fix all those problems," or, "I would rather have my printer now and fix the problems than wait for perfection," those are opinions and neither one is right or wrong.

Napsal : 12/02/2018 8:50 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

I really enjoy these threads. Thanks guys.


Napsal : 13/02/2018 3:02 am
Eminent Member
Re: Cancel or not? Bad impression's ...

The Mk3 printer is very Good better Them anything ever been using or Seen before....

I guess you that started this thread have a quite negative view of things...

Like said this kind of forum is for solving, and discuss problems with different materials Slicer settings and tips and tricks...!

So this is the center of" problems." "Solving"

You can think what you want but I can promise you that this printer is the best choice overall!

Even compared to printers with a price tag 3-4 times the Mk3 price...!

Napsal : 14/02/2018 7:39 pm
Stránka 3 / 3