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cancel MK3 and get MK2s?  

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Mr. Furious
Eminent Member
cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

Hey everyone,

I have ordered an MK3 because of the reputation of the MK2\2s and the new features. The detachable bed being the one I like the most.

This will be my second 3d printer so I'm not a complete novice but I would like it to work well out of the box. I will be using this printer for work so reliability and consistency is key.

Now I have been reading about all of the problems with belts rubbing, z wobble,first layer sticking (in ABS which is what I will be mainly printing). Are these isolated problems is a small swatch of printers? Or are a majority of the users happy printing away not even on the forums?

I also love how the community pitches in to help which is what draws me to the MK3.

Should I switch and get an MK2s? I am not trying to start a heated thread. I just am making a business investment and would like it to work vs me loosing time and money on tinkering.

It should be noted that I am getting an assembled vs a kit. How many people have gotten an assembled unit? Are the more problems with the kits vs assembled?

Thanks in advanced.


Publié : 12/03/2018 9:23 pm
Honorable Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

i would actually cancel the mk3 for the the mk2s. knowing what i know now and because of my 3d printing needs i would of gotten a second mk2s and waited for the bugs to get worked out of the mk3.

then later when everything calmed down and worked well i would of gotten the mk3

the mk2 had been out for like 3 years so in that time all the problems were worked out, then the mk2s was all the stuff they learned over those 3 years.

my mk2s has been a reliable work horse for the last year. i've replaced my PEI sheet 3 times as they last about 4 months at a time with the printing i do.

my mk3 i have used for just a couple of weeks and the problems have caused me to go back to the mk2s.

i'm lucky i have a fall back many people don't.

i'm totally gung ho for the mk3 it has features i wish the mk2s had, i'm hopeing this all gets fixed but waiting months and then second guessing material settings due to bugs will drive you insane.

I bought both my mk2s and mk3 as assembled printers ready to go.

my mk2s the biggest complaint was it arrived with a slight skew .12-.13 degree, i had to buy some special 13 and 17mm thin wrenches and use a trick with a flat edge ruler that another member posted to get the skew down to .05-.06 which is more parallel.

the mk3 arrived ready to go with a .01 skew thanks to the new frame design. but i've seen had to take it totally apart to replace the X axis parts for the belt twist issue. I had to run all the parts in PETG on my MK2s. the last calibration i ran after using the machine for a while now tells me the skew went up a little to .06. i also had some extra screws that fell into the box when prusa assembled it that left me scratching my head. i had to retighten many of the bolts on the mk3 as they came loose.

the worst that happened on the MK2s was the allen set screw for the temperature sensor fell out during a print. i retightened that and later installed a E6V silicon sock over the extruder which i love and keeps filament from sticking to the hotend if there is a problem.

the problems that are still occurring with the MMU are keeping me from buying one as well and i REALLY want one.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Publié : 12/03/2018 9:36 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

I can only speak to my own experience, which has been very positive. I bought the kit, which went together well and worked right the first time. I've logged 450 hours in the past month since getting the kit together. The print quality has been excellent, and the only problems I've had are two crashes (both likely caused by prints coming off the bed) and one filament jam.

Obviously not everyone's experience is the same as mine. Personally I would not have bought the MK2S because the removable build is a must-have for me (two of my three other printers had removable platforms, and I added a removable surface to the third one shortly after I got it).

I've had the same problems with the filament sensor that others have reported. The current firmware has the filament sensor off by default, and the one time I turned it on it did just what everyone says happens: works fine with some filaments, but lots of false jams detected with certain other filaments. I turned it back off because I have had almost no problems with filament jams/runouts compared to the problems with false positives.

My general sense is that the MK3 does have some bugs that need to be worked out, but for the most part they're minor. But you might not think they're minor if for you the filament sensor or powder-coated build plate is a must-have feature.

Publié : 13/03/2018 4:29 pm
Eminent Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

I don't fully know or understand what's going on with others who have ringing issues, belt issues, etc but I've not had a single issue with my printer. I changed out the PSU because I wanted to tinker with something and I figured why not but other than that, it's been smooth sailing and the prints have been GREAT. I've worked with the Slicer PE and Simplify 3D and have not had issues in PETG or PLA.

The only thing to be warry of is the known Live Z issue which sucks and should have absolutley been sorted through before, but that's well on its way to being fixed, and the PSU issue which in my mind is the largest concern but I'm not Prusa so I don't actually know any of the numbers.

The issues you've mentioned are not solely MK3 issues either. Every printer has the possibility of having those issues. I think you're reading this forum, the only official support forum for this printer, and seeing all the people who need support and a place to vent (and bitch) posting in one place and making your judgement based of those posts alone. They want Prusa to acknowledge all of these issues, but i'm not really sure what Prusa would even acknowledge? If the issues were as widespread as some suggest, particularly print quality issues, I think this forum would look like a completely different place. I'm also willing to bet there were/are similar vent threads on the MK2 forum.

If this is going to be your 2nd printer and you've been through the rigmarole of sorting through usual printer issues and you don't just expect this thing to come out of the box a $2,500 Ultimaker I honestly think you will be fine. This printer is still a machine, not an appliance, but it's a damn fine machine in my opinion. If you want a MK2 I don't think you'll be disappointed but oh MAN do I love that removable bed...

Publié : 13/03/2018 4:55 pm
Active Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

I got one of the early Mk3's (it has the spiral wrap on the heated bed wiring) and it is also my first 3d printer. I have seriously had no major issues, a couple of things came off the bed and I had one layer shift but 90% of what I print comes out great. I've done PETG and PLA so far for a total of maybe 1kg. I have no regrets so far. Maaaaybe consider the Mk2s if reliability is 100% the most important thing but I am really satisfied there are no guarantees you will have issues. Once I get my dry box 100% sorted flexible will be next.

Publié : 13/03/2018 5:28 pm
Noble Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

I don't own MK3 yet but I can tell my MK2/MK2S experience.
Most of the issues people are describing for MK3 I had/have with my MK2/MK2S as-well. There is no need to put MK2 on a high socket of best printer ever. Yes it is a work horse and yes I'm still printing 24/7 with it but it requires maintenance and deep understanding how it works.

I made the decision to buy MK3 because of the removable print bed and more silent printer. Every other fancy feature I can deactivate until the firmware can handle it 100%. All the mechanical parts and printer design are almost the same except of the new bondtech gear. So I'm not expecting any wonders in print quality either in bad or good direction.

Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram

Publié : 13/03/2018 6:15 pm
Mr. Furious
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I am don't really need all the fancy things as well but the removable build plate is pretty important to me as prying off prints from my printrbot with a chisel (always printing with a raft) sucks. My play is a work horse as well but yes it needs some care. I recently replaced the mobo, and feel comfortable tinkering... i just don't want it to be ALL tinkering.

seeing some positive feedback is nice. And I understand that there people that are having problems are more vocal then the ones that don't have issues. Hopefully they can get their issues sorted.

thanks again... feeling better about my purchase again.


Publié : 13/03/2018 6:40 pm
Eminent Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I am don't really need all the fancy things as well but the removable build plate is pretty important to me as prying off prints from my printrbot with a chisel (always printing with a raft) sucks. My play is a work horse as well but yes it needs some care. I recently replaced the mobo, and feel comfortable tinkering... i just don't want it to be ALL tinkering.

seeing some positive feedback is nice. And I understand that there people that are having problems are more vocal then the ones that don't have issues. Hopefully they can get their issues sorted.

thanks again... feeling better about my purchase again.


I swear, I'll browse the forms away from my printer on lunch break or whatever and I go home expecting my printer to have turned into a steaming pile of crap like everyone elses but sure enough it's still working great 😆

Publié : 13/03/2018 6:46 pm
Trusted Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

I was a very happy owner of a MK2S and sold it to get a MK3.

Im going to be honest.
If the printer doesnt have to be extremly silent and you dont need a removable builtplate, get the MK2S.

The MK3 is still ways off to reach the quality of the MK2S, there are more sensitive parts which tend to fail (filament sensor) and generally talking: the release of this printer was heavily rushed.

There are still some major problems which are being sorted out by upadted firmware and new parts which you can print for the printer.

As for now Im happy where it is, since I sorted out my S3D settings and the results are "okay".
When linear advance comes back to the MK3, maybe that will resolve the rest of my problems I have.

But for now, if you can live without a silent printer with a removable print plate, get a MK2S.

Publié : 14/03/2018 9:47 pm
Noble Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

When linear advance comes back to the MK3, maybe that will resolve the rest of my problems I have.

I'm wandering what kind of issues might LA solve? From my understanding it's just a function to be able print faster.

Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram

Publié : 14/03/2018 10:00 pm
Ian B
Trusted Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

I've been very happy with my (pre-assembled) MK3 up through this point (140 printing hours). I haven't had any significant issues with print quality (very minor ringing in the X axis...need to tighten the belt up). I wish the firmware would have been in a better place but I've still had good results in spite of that. I've had a few issues with the filament sensor mistriggering on certain types of filament, but it's largely been very well-behaved. I've had good looking prints right out of the box, and when I get the X-axis slack taken care of it'll only get better. I haven't run into any issues with layer shifting, thankfully.

As far as the removeable build plate goes, after spending an hour of scraping and a about a liter of noxious chemicals to remove a very well-worn sheet of FakeTak on my old printer, I'll never go back to anything like that. I'm looking forward to when the supply issues are resolved so that I can play with the powder coated sheets. Bonus points if other companies start throwing their hat in the ring and offering up other types of build surfaces for us to play with.

All that being said, my printer is down at the moment. One of the Y-axis linear bearings seized up and developed an appetite for smooth rods. Disappointing, sure, but that's something that can happen to any printer.

Publié : 14/03/2018 10:24 pm
Trusted Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

When linear advance comes back to the MK3, maybe that will resolve the rest of my problems I have.

I'm wandering what kind of issues might LA solve? From my understanding it's just a function to be able print faster.

"Without the linear advance, an extruder motor moves in a linear proportion to all the other motors. This simple approach does not take into account that extruder is not a linear system. This leads to extruding more material than desired at the end of each linear movement. The linear advance on the other hand takes nonlinearity into account and maintains the correct pressure in a nozzle during movements.

Basically, the prints will have sharper corners at the same speed and when increasing the print speed defects and artifacts will not show as much as without Linear advance. Usually, when you print fast, sharp corners on the print have a little blob where filament pressure build-up is released while changing directions."

There ya go.

Publié : 15/03/2018 12:35 am
Noble Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

ok. That's exactly what I meant. Artifacts and defects are only showing at fast speed and LA will reduce it.
If you print "slow" right now, you shouldn't see any big difference between LA/no LA. Sharp corners with 0.4 nozzle and 0.2 resolution is kind of relative anyway.
You was talking about problems which you want to see resolved with LA, not slight print quality improvements. That's why I was asking.

Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram

Publié : 15/03/2018 12:51 am
Trusted Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

ok. That's exactly what I meant. Artifacts and defects are only showing at fast speed and LA will reduce it.
If you print "slow" right now, you shouldn't see any big difference between LA/no LA. Sharp corners with 0.4 nozzle and 0.2 resolution is kind of relative anyway.
You was talking about problems which you want to see resolved with LA, not slight print quality improvements. That's why I was asking.

It does change the quality at sharp corners, no matter how slow or fast you print.
Linearity doesnt change with speed if you print without it.

Look at the blog post, there can you see a 20mm cube and how LA affects it. The effect is pretty big and at that model, print speed doesnt have much to do with it.

It changes how the object turns out in the end and thats a big factor.

For example, I was wondering why my test cubes were always a bit off at the corners and ever so slightly "bent" and printed around 20 - 30 test cubes trying to fix that issue.
Now I at least know, that its not really fixable without LA.
Thats what I meant 😉

Publié : 16/03/2018 3:38 pm
Estimable Member
Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

I have had a really miserable time with the Mk3, it's developed a fault on average around every other week since I built in in December resulting in separate visits from the UPS man for:

  • Broken filament sensor which melted the extruder housing
  • Soft rods shipped with the printer
  • Failed bearings in the print fan
  • Failed Pinda
  • Failed hot end thermister
  • The software and firmware does keep getting better and better - although be prepared to have somewhat bizarre issues that can only get resolved by factory resets and reflashing firmware, too.

    I'm sure I've had more than my fair share of troubles and Prusa support have generally been great, but the constant fixing and replacing parts with a wait for the UPS man in-between has really sapped the joy out of the experience to the point where I might sell up.

    Publié : 16/03/2018 4:11 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

    previous to getting my mk3 I had still have a wanhao i3 plus I always thought I to be the best printer ever for 250 pounds but the mk3 knocks it out the park its like chalk and cheese I would not have thought the mk3 would be so good and yes I watched the forums looking at faults for this and faults for that I was really nervous thinking what have o done well its the easiest machine I have put together and was a breeze to build and the books that come with it theres no other printer out there like it for the price and quality happy printing 😀

    Publié : 17/03/2018 2:04 am
    Mr. Furious
    Eminent Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

    I am not going to cancel.... thanks for the input everyone.


    Publié : 17/03/2018 7:19 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

    I am not going to cancel.... thanks for the input everyone.


    I will leave you a few pics of my prints to get you excited =).... You wont regret it, its an awesome printer 😀

    Publié : 17/03/2018 1:02 pm
    New Member
    Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

    I canceled mine a week before estimated shipping date, don't want to pay $750 + shipping + taxes to enter Prusa beta-testing program.

    Publié : 17/03/2018 2:39 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: cancel MK3 and get MK2s?

    wait until the firmware is fixed or you are only going to drive yourself nutz check the forum about

    the major issues with the firmware, PINDA , Mesh Bed Leveling which effects the z layer .

    The Latest Firmware can be found here
    Open Firmware Issues

    Publié : 17/03/2018 6:39 pm
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