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Calibration Z doesn't work  

New Member
Calibration Z doesn't work

My i3 mk3 calibration doesn't work the z axis don't move up and the calibration immediately faild.
Someone an idea to fix this problem?

Napsal : 26/01/2018 1:32 am
New Member
Re: Calibration Z doesn't work

I had a similar issue with my printer. The right side could raise and lower the x-axis, but the left side could only lower. I manually raised the x-axis to the top of the frame and then used the Settings->move axix->z-axis to lower the x-axis, which worked fine. Raising the axis resulting in a lot of skipping on the left side.

To fix this I removed the trapezoidal nut rotated it to use a different set of screws holes and put a blob of silicone based lube in the threads. I've been printing for dozens of hours now with amazing quality, much better than my Prusa i3 plus

Napsal : 27/01/2018 12:15 am