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Calibration & setup woes  

New Member
Calibration & setup woes

I'm on about my 30th hour of trying to set this thing up and having zero joy.

1stly the X axis was failing calibration, after a stip down I noticed the tie rods were 0.2mm futher apart at one end stopping the axis from getting to it's full extent. Luckily I have a milling machine and I touched the part up and now it works fine.

Now I cannot complete a full XYZ calibration. Originally I set the PINDA probe up as per instructions but the nozzle kept whacking into paper/bed position 2 on the test.
I lowered the PINDA probe to just below the nozzle and it seemed to work better but on the 2nd round the calibration failed when fine tuning the bed.

From observing the PINDA probe, could it be wandering off the edge of the bed at position 2 and giving a false [low] reading.
When it is calibrating position one you can see the machine seeking the correct height so I assume the probe is fine.

On the last test I did I was worried the probe was going to hit the bed, again it looked like the probe was going off the edge of the bed and I was terrified it would lower the 1mm needed to smash into the side.

Any clues - I've spent so much time on this now and it's getting a bit tiresome, esp waiting for the bed and nozzle to cool down!!!
Is there any way of bypassing these on the setup wizard?


Opublikowany : 01/02/2018 12:01 am
Honorable Member
Re: Calibration & setup woes

It seems like ~1mm above the nozzle is the sweet spot. Closer isn't better. I think the manual says use the width of a ziptie as a gauge.

Opublikowany : 01/02/2018 1:11 am