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Blind LCD navigation  

Active Member
Blind LCD navigation

Hi Friends,

My LCD has gone bad and no longer displays an image. Contacted support about a replacement, but in the meantime I'd like to use a Pi Zero. Unfortunately, this will require enabling it through the menu, which I cannot see. Haven't been able to find an up-to-date menu structure map, so will one of you kind peoples tell me how to get to that option from bootup, using knob ticks / clicks as a unit of measurement?

Publié : 14/02/2018 7:11 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Blind LCD navigation


How about a quick phone video, will someone film themselves navigating to the raspberry pi menu option?

Publié : 15/02/2018 4:11 pm
Famed Member
Re: Blind LCD navigation

Maybe you can remotely change this specific value somewhere in a config file without recompiling the firmware.?!?!
This is just a guess.

Wer freundlich fragt bekommt auch eine freundliche Antwort.
nec aspera terrent

Publié : 15/02/2018 4:43 pm
New Member
Re: Blind LCD navigation

I think you can connect a Pi via USB without any changes to the printer required. You only need to change that firmware setting if you're connecting the Pi directly to the headers on the Einsy board.

Publié : 15/02/2018 4:45 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Blind LCD navigation

If nobody else gets to this before I get home from work, I'll try to get you something useful. Whether that be a video or just a script of buttons to press.

Publié : 15/02/2018 4:46 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Blind LCD navigation

@adam8797 Thanks! I'll check back later

@karim.b That's a good suggestion, but I don't have the right USB cable to go from a Pi Zero to the Einsy 🙁

Publié : 15/02/2018 6:33 pm
Ian B
Trusted Member
Re: Blind LCD navigation

Hey Kris! Here's a quick phone video:

And here's a quick summary:

  • Button

  • Down/clockwise x 5

  • Button

  • Down/clockwise x 10

  • Button
  • I'm still on RC4, but as long as there haven't been any menu changes in the later firmware this should point you in the right direction.

    Good luck!

    Publié : 15/02/2018 10:48 pm
    Active Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Blind LCD navigation

    Spectere, you're a golden God!

    That worked like a dream and I'm back in business. Thanks a million

    Publié : 15/02/2018 11:30 pm
    Ian B
    Trusted Member
    Re: Blind LCD navigation

    Woohoo! Glad to hear it. 😀

    Happy printing!

    Publié : 15/02/2018 11:32 pm
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