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All prints offset by Y + 11mm  

Active Member
All prints offset by Y + 11mm

I configured S3D for my MK3 and all of my prints were shifted +11mm up the Y-axis, including the priming strip which should be printing at Y -3mm. Then, I tried a test print using Slic3r PE and Prusa Control. All were printing at the same offset. I ran the XYZ calibration two more times with no errors, each time hearing the Y-axis belt holder hit the stepper motor. Next, I completed the Auto Home and Move Axis menu to test the full range of movement. I was able to move from +210 to -2.9 but I could not reach -3.0. So, in S3D I changed my starting script to run the priming strip at Y -2.9 and the remainder of my print was able to use the full bed 0-210.

Is there a way to correct this behavior? Is there something wrong on my setup? I thought there might be a problem with my Y-belt being too tight as it plays like a guitar string, way tighter than I have ever done on any printer, but the Belt Status shows the Y-axis at 254.

Opublikowany : 26/12/2017 6:21 pm
New Member
Re: All prints offset by Y + 11mm

I would reflash the firmware

Opublikowany : 27/12/2017 4:42 pm