Spool holder that reaches deeper into the spool
When I was printing a large object that filled the bed completely on the X/Y axises at fast speeds (0.35 layer height), the head moving left and right while pulling a lot of filament seems to have caused the spool to fall off, ruining my print.
The spool holder that came with the printer doesn't reach deep enough into the spool.
The forum doesn't let me attach the STL, but here's the openscad file with the cylinder height deepness from 10 to 20.
module dxf_holder(){
linear_extrude(height = 8, center = true, convexity = 5)
import (file = "spool holdahMK3.dxf", layer = "0");
module spool_holder_left(){
translate([51.53-3.5,123-5-3.5,3.9])cylinder(h = 20, r=8);
module spool_holder_right(){
The .dxf is found at https://github.com/prusa3d/Original-Prusa-i3/blob/MK2/Printed-Parts/scad/spool%20holdahMK3.dxf