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Pause and power down  

Eminent Member
Pause and power down

Hi All,

Not sure if this is a feature or possible to make a feature or if there is a solution on the market to do this. Where my printer is situated (bedroom) i find it hard to run a print for longer than 10-12 hours due to noise etc. Is it possible to pause the print and the power off the printer and on power on resume the print where it left off?

Napsal : 30/07/2017 11:01 pm
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
Re: Pause and power down

Hi All,

Not sure if this is a feature or possible to make a feature or if there is a solution on the market to do this. Where my printer is situated (bedroom) i find it hard to run a print for longer than 10-12 hours due to noise etc. Is it possible to pause the print and the power off the printer and on power on resume the print where it left off?

Hi Martin,

i saw that there are test with saving print status to SD card to pause and resume prints. Have no idea if or how it will be implemented.

BUT even if you can save to current position somewhere and you can pause the printer and then power it off, the print bed will cool down and there is a chance that the print will come loose, depending on filament. If you can print without heated bed it could work. AND there may not be any movement on the axis, because you cannot re-home the printer with a print on the bed. So you see it is quite difficult subject.

BUT if there is an option to save current position and pause the printer, cool the hotend down (so the left fan stops), disable the part cooling fan and let the heated bed on and printer on (if needed), there would be a chance to resume the print next day. Not really sure if that would work.

If you cannot move the printer anywhere else, check the forum how to improve the printer being less loud...
- like change the 30mm hotend fan to a quieter one ... check
- and get a 50x50cm paving stone ... i got a rubber one under the printer...check
- and tight down screws/bolts making noise ... had some starting trilling ... or even try some tape on some parts if needed
- and think about get some lubricant on the rods and bearing if your axis movements are an issue...some user like it some doesn't...i got some PTFE spray from IRONSIDE 194011 for few bugs
- maybe an enclosure could be a solution for you

Guess you will also need a cover for the bright LCD screen...

Hope it helps

Napsal : 31/07/2017 2:34 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Pause and power down

Thanks for the reply and very interesting points you've made especially considering the heated bed issue.

I actually picked up two ikea lack tables yesterday to start an enclosure build. I'd like to move electrics outside the enclosure if I can though. PSU should be straight forward but I'd also like to move ramBo outside enclosure if possible but I need to consider the logistics of doing so. Eg will I need to extend cables etc how to make it easy if I need to remove printer for maintenance etc.

Napsal : 31/07/2017 12:34 pm
New Member
Re: Pause and power down

Hi I have a suggestion respective to the pause function:

while the printer is in pause the extruder isnt heated. So far so good. But resuming the printing process starts with positioning the extruder. then it gets heated up. This could be combined to happen in parallel. So if one wants to check very often the pause time can be significantly reduced.

Napsal : 03/08/2017 11:12 pm
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
Re: Pause and power down

Saw yesterday 3D Maker Noob turning of the Anycubic I3 Mega and the printer resumed the print.
So it is possible! But the heated bed issue and prints sticks to it after cooling down is not solved.

Napsal : 06/08/2017 1:36 pm