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MK2S upgrade kit  

New Member
MK2S upgrade kit

I recently received my MK2 to MK2S upgrade kit. I printed the new extruder mount and body before tearing down my printer. I noticed that the upgrade kit provides U-bolts to provide a more stable mount for the print bed. However, the extruder mount still uses cable ties to hold the linear bearings in place. Is there some reason that I am not aware of as to why the extruder mount is still using cable ties ? I think that the extruder mount could be made more stable if the areas where the linear bearings go were to be tunnels, like used for the Z axis parts that house the linear bearings. Seems to me it would be a rather simple modification that would make for a much more stable extruder holder.

Can anyone provide a reason for still using cable ties to hold the linear bearings in place ?

Napsal : 28/05/2017 10:22 pm
Honorable Member
Re: MK2S upgrade kit

I think it may be a cost / complexity / time tested design issue.

The U-bolts on the bed are needed because the zip ties can get worn out when prying 3D objects from the bed.

Napsal : 29/05/2017 1:58 pm