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New Member

First off this printer is incredible, and even more than that I am extremely impressed you are still iterating and improving the design.

I would like to suggest that you lower the mintemp error temperature. I live in Colorado (USA) and I have had to start keeping a blow dryer by the printer to heat up the nozzle and get rid of the min temp error. Currently, the nozzle is at 15C so I am thinking 14C would be a good new set point.


Opublikowany : 27/03/2017 12:33 am
Kelly R. Johnson
Active Member
Re: MinTemp

I run into the same issues, but realistically I think we can change this ourselves if we complied and loaded a new copy of the firmware.

I keep a heat gun near the printer and have to run a couple quick passes over the bed and heater block to get it up to temp before turning the unit on. I'd actually never had a printer give me a mintemp error before and I originally though it was a thermistor issue.

Opublikowany : 04/04/2017 1:19 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MinTemp

I am sure we could figure it out, but I think it is a problem with all versions. It would be nice if the main firmware was updated, and we didn't have to compile our own each time.

Opublikowany : 28/04/2017 4:14 am
Member Moderator
Re: MinTemp

👿 to be honest, it wouldn't be a good idea to lower the temperature inside the officially released firmware.

➡ limiting the operation of the printer to a decent temperature range absolutely makes sense, because you've to consider the boundary conditions (so the printer would'nt be able to heat up the printbed @90°C anymore, if the environment is to cold.... or you'll get into problems with the dewpoint, which may cause moisture inside psu and electronics) to get proper results and a reliable operation of the printer.

😡 if the limit is lowered from 15° to -> 14° there will be two weeks later people asking to lower it down to 12° C and so on....

💡 so if you want to get rid of the limitation, compile the firmware yourself. meanwhile, thanks to allen.d's script, it's a piece of cake instead of a pita (as it was previously).

➡ btw.: the values you're looking for are located inside the Configuration_prusa.h (which is in fact only a copy of the 1_75mm_MK2-RAMBo13a-E3Dv6full.h out of the \variants folder) around line#80 ... #85.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Opublikowany : 03/05/2017 1:24 pm