Forum topic subscription/bookmarking appears broken
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Forum topic subscription/bookmarking appears broken  

Trusted Member
Forum topic subscription/bookmarking appears broken

In both firefox and chrome on Windows, I can't click the "subscribe topic" button. Further, when I copy the URL and manually visit it, the URL toggles between "" and "...unwatch..." so I think it's doing something - but I never see anything in my list of subscribed topics.

Publié : 07/12/2017 7:59 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Forum topic subscription/bookmarking appears broken

  • after posting, it returns you to the first page instead of the last post of the topic

  • mark as read does not seem to work (tried multiple browsers)

  • login keys are saved (can see an extremely long list of saved keys in account settings), but they don't work (always get prompted for login after a while, even with the same browser/IP address)
  • Publié : 09/12/2017 12:41 pm
    Membre Moderator
    Re: Forum topic subscription/bookmarking appears broken

    These issues have been a problem for years. Even though "This is an official support forum for Prusa Research s.r.o. customers" it is horribly neglected by Prusa. I know the Moderators do what they can but their hands are probably tied when it comes to the forum software itself.

    Official Prusa help in these forums is spotty at best. Most posts by Prusa employees are either new firmware announcements or new Slic3r announcements with very, very little actual support/help happening. This task has been taken up by the Moderators and more experienced users, and, while this works well enough it would be nice to have actual Prusa employees in here validating some of the answers or helping out with some of the issues that are brought forth.

    Publié : 11/12/2017 3:35 pm
    Trusted Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Forum topic subscription/bookmarking appears broken

    I wonder if you can quote people across forums?


    Publié : 13/12/2017 6:03 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: Forum topic subscription/bookmarking appears broken

    Polls don't work either 😐

    Publié : 31/01/2018 8:51 pm
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