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Forum Improvements  

Estimable Member
Forum Improvements

I want to suggest some forum improvements because the actual doesn't work as it should be. The issues I noticed are the following:

  • "Mark forums read" function doesn't work at all.

  • "Mark topics read" seems to work in the first point. BUT: If you reload the page it is unread again.

  • If I click on a unread thread it takes me to the very first post in that thread and not to the last not read post. Ok...Would be better if it brings you to the first unread post and only to the first post, wenn there are no unread posts.

  • If I click on the icon of the thread (where the link for me looks like it would take me to the first unread post) I again end up a the very first post. That doesn't make sense at all...

  • If I click on the on the arrow behind the name to get to the very last post of the thread I always end up at a page saying "This page is not available"
  • The above points are only the ones that bother me the most. I think that these issues should be addressed in the very near future so that the forum at least works as it should. Sure it is also possible to use it as it is but honestly it bothers me extremely when I have to search for the last unread post several times a day while knowing that there would be no need for that if the forums software would work as it should... 😯

    So long...

    Napsal : 07/11/2016 1:42 pm
    Active Member
    Re: Forum Improvements

    I already send prusa in July a email reporting several issues, and up to today none of them have been fixed 🙁

    Napsal : 09/11/2016 1:32 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: Forum Improvements

    Yes, the forums in quite an embarrassing shape. Topic reply notifications don't work correctly either.

    PR team seems to barely have enough time to reply to regular support emails, let alone fixing forum problems, but it would sure go a long way and helping us help each other if the forum at least worked correctly.

    Napsal : 11/11/2016 9:16 pm
    Honorable Member
    Re: Forum Improvements

    I agree with marc.s post. This forum lacks.

    Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

    Napsal : 14/11/2016 6:17 am
    Honorable Member
    Re: Forum Improvements

    Especially as these forums for us kit builders is the way of support? Too much evangelism seems to be expressed by those promoted to Pro's by Prusa Research on these Forums. That is not the way to support those with genuine issues. ie burnt out heated bed connections. These forums need addressing, and pro Prusa mentors are not the way to go for independant support. There should be debate and calling out those that are Pros promoted by Prusa Research , as biased positively towards Prusa Research , and is my bag baby. Those that work for Prusa Research and posting on these forums should be made plain, ie identified as from Prusa Research like Josef and vojech with the umlut and firmware guru and programmer Or do not others than they post here?

    Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

    Napsal : 22/11/2016 4:18 am
    Estimable Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Forum Improvements

    I would like to suggest to switch from the actual forums software to Burning Board from WoltLab:

    Im active in two forums who use this software. Sure it costs something but it is definitively worth it. Besides of that you can have professional support which you don't have with open source systems. I know that there is a nearly religious issue with closed and open source software. But sometimes you'll have to see what is the right solution. From my point of view the Burning Board would be the right solution.

    I agree with the issue Merv adressed. It has to be clear which people are Prusa Research staff and what is their profession within the company (i.e. software engineer, hardware engineer, community manager, etc.).

    I know that it is hard to address everything when you grow this quick and beeing actually this deep in water. BUT: A community is a very fragile construct. If the community gets upset (expecially regarding support) you usually end up with big issues.

    I really hope that you get everything sorted well and will keep the positive flow with your products and the community. 😉

    Napsal : 22/11/2016 10:47 am
    Eminent Member
    Re: Forum Improvements

    I would suggest to have a category just for Filaments

    Napsal : 24/11/2016 10:58 am
    Eminent Member
    Re: Forum Improvements

    The forum also bumps you back to the beginning of a thread after you post, instead of showing your new post at the end of the thread. At least one other person has confirmed that this happens to them as well. It would be nice to stay at the end of the thread instead of going back to the very first post.

    Napsal : 05/12/2016 3:53 pm
    Active Member
    Issues with Topic tools

    Hi, I have an issue with the forum's Topic Tools. I click on Subscribe topic but when I go to User Control Panel > Manage subscriptions, I get the message You are not subscribed to forums. Even when I refresh the page, after I have clicked on Subscribe topic, the option again is Subscribe topic, like I didn't subscribe. Same with Bookmark topic. Am I doing something wrong? Browsers I'm using Firefox and Chrome.

    Napsal : 05/12/2016 7:25 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: Forum Improvements

    Talking about the forum. I am not happy that this buggy forum shares my account with the online shop...


    My Prints:
    My Employer:

    Napsal : 05/12/2016 10:53 pm
    Antient Member Moderator
    Re: Forum Improvements


    The reason for that is to deter non-original owners coming here for assistance.


    Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

    Napsal : 06/12/2016 6:33 am
    Active Member
    Re: Forum Improvements

    Something must be done with the forum tools! I cannot follow topics I'm interested in. The only way to watch a thread, is to post something. This is a workaround and not a solution.

    Napsal : 06/01/2017 1:04 pm
    Honorable Member
    Re: Forum Improvements

    Allow users to see and list their past posts on a linked home page. And able to respond later.

    Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

    Napsal : 13/01/2017 5:31 am