Better Prusa Slicer - Super color option
Hello all
After many prints (1/3 of them is multicolor by changing filament - 1 nozzle)
I realize that no slicer got option like - colorize the exactly spot ( not only on flat surface)
My english its not to perfect so let me explain dear Prusa 🙂
Let say i wanna print circle 10cm/10cm with 5mm high and on 2mm high i print 3 (steps Z) lines white . then all other black with row for my "subitle"
so i will got white "Andomor" and black background
The issue is when you wanna print somethink more complicated .. then .. if entire print is black and only "word" need to be white..
on arround the object will be white line ( dont look good .. special if need be 2-3 layers)
In my small opinion its should be not problem to update/set Prusa slicer to colorize exactly some spot ( center of that square/ not entire layer)
So the print will be entire black with only "hole" for "words" or signs etc
i hope you got my point
Its should work also for wall...
very usefull if we got left 2KG yelow filament 🙂 but we want print black object
so the 2 lines around the object (or more if need) will be just for color but inside we can print in any "bad" filament " or unlike color
I know .. for big print its will be a lot of job for change all the time.. but for small print or JUST FLAT object.. will be perfect 🙂
What you think.. its should be not so hard for do that
10 size of "tool" lets say..hmm
For me its sound splendidly
RE: Better Prusa Slicer - Super color option
First of all Mr. Prusa most likely doesn't read this forum. I bet not even developers, as they are (hopefully) developing and not browsing through the forums. So most likely here are only couple Admins which might forward/report some important stuff to the other teams.
Second, Your suggestion is already implemented in the current PrusaSlicer. It's being called Multi Material printing. If you don't have a MMU device, there are also community projects which allows you to switch the filament manually.
Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram
RE: Better Prusa Slicer - Super color option
Perhaps this thread is relevant.
RE: Better Prusa Slicer - Super color option
Without a MMU colour changes are only implemented by layer position (Z), not X-Y I believe.
RE: Better Prusa Slicer - Super color option
Check the linked thread. It‘s not limited. The solution is to replace the regular MMU2 filament change logic (automatic) through M600 (manual). Whenever filament change is required, the user is doing it manually.
Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram
RE: Better Prusa Slicer - Super color option
...Your suggestion is already implemented in the current PrusaSlicer...
But I think we should stop an listen to the suggestion: Make the M600 gcode filament change option (for non MMU printers) to have the option of being a shape, not just a layer.
I think this is a good suggestion and could be a variant of the modifier options (like support modifiers). Another (perhaps better?) way to implement is to have the filament change give the option of before or after the perimeter is printed. So in the example image the OP provided, it could do a layer color/filament change, but it could print the perimeter first in the original color (in this case white) and then do the interior in the filament change (in this case, black). It would provide a way to keep his design from having a black bar in the middle.
It's not a bad suggestion. 🙂
RE: Better Prusa Slicer - Super color option
Hi Bivaterl,
Mike linked to one option above and I offer the link below
that's how I printed this
this print is 0.8mm thick and the colour goes three layers deep the back is white and the edges are all white and both top and bottom are flat. my examples were done with an earlier version of Slic3r, but there is nothing stopping you doing the same thing in Prusa Slicer, today.
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Better Prusa Slicer - Super color option
Yep.. i want precision / places/lines to prusa make change filament. ( should work ofcors also with MMU)
RE: Better Prusa Slicer - Super color option
It sounds like you're referring to something similar to what is implemented in the Mosaic Canvas slicer which allows you to just paint different parts of the model different colors without having to have a separate STL for each color. However, as I understand, Canvas only works for the Pallete right now. It would be great if similar functionality was added to Prusa Slicer.