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Why are my petg prints terrible.  

Active Member
Why are my petg prints terrible.

See attached image. This is pretty part for the course.

Bad petg Adheasion

My petg blobs a lot and doesn't stick consistently.

Things I've tried:

  • Lowering the Nozzle
  • Raising the Nozzle
  • Turning cooling off for more of the layers.
  • Cleaning with Isopropyl (I do this before each print)
  • Drying the filament
  • Raising bed temp (currently starts at 90F)
  • Using 7x7 leveling

Blobbing of the filament can be seen right form the start when it prints the skirt. It is almost never continuous. 

The left most area, where the cross shape looks mangled, is the most consistently ruined. It almost always fails in that area.

I think the right most cross was actually working for a few layers. I didn't catch the point at which it failed.

My pla prints generally seem to work fine.

What else can I do to fix my petg prints?

Best Answer by Diem:

Poor adhesion.  PETG usually works well with a textured print sheet ... So:

Clean the sheet with dishwashing detergent (Dawn/Fairy) and plenty of HOT water, rinse well and dry with a fresh paper towel. Handle by the edges only.

The basic regime we have established as best practice here is:

Clean with IPA between prints.

At the first hint of a problem, use dishwashing detergent and HOT water.

If that's not enough use acetone: once or twice a year at most (you risk damaging the sheet).

After you have cleaned your sheet run a first layer Z calibration and show us the result on the print-sheet.


Napsal : 30/03/2022 2:06 pm
Illustrious Member

Your picture failed to post..?


Napsal : 30/03/2022 4:38 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Why are my petg prints terrible.

Hmm. Odd. Attaching directly here.

Napsal : 30/03/2022 5:46 pm
Illustrious Member

Poor adhesion.  PETG usually works well with a textured print sheet ... So:

Clean the sheet with dishwashing detergent (Dawn/Fairy) and plenty of HOT water, rinse well and dry with a fresh paper towel. Handle by the edges only.

The basic regime we have established as best practice here is:

Clean with IPA between prints.

At the first hint of a problem, use dishwashing detergent and HOT water.

If that's not enough use acetone: once or twice a year at most (you risk damaging the sheet).

After you have cleaned your sheet run a first layer Z calibration and show us the result on the print-sheet.


Napsal : 30/03/2022 11:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Why are my petg prints terrible.

I think soap+water did the trick, plus another few rounds of calibration.

At first it didn't look too promising. I hypothesized that I was too close to the bed by a bit:

I raised it by ~0.05mm and got a decent result:

I lowered it by another 0.04mm and it a bit was too far away:

I backed off and settled on an in between point. My print is now running and seems to be working well so far.

Thanks for the tip on soap and water.

Napsal : 31/03/2022 2:51 pm
Illustrious Member

See how it goes; to my eyes it looks like you could stand to go a little lower, a fraction more squish, but if it works for you ...


Napsal : 31/03/2022 6:33 pm
New Member

Glue stick worked for me. Stops the sides raising too.

Napsal : 02/04/2022 5:54 am
Illustrious Member

You shouldn't need gluestick for PETG on a textured sheet;  it does make sense to use it, well diluted, to reduce adhesion on a smooth sheet but window cleaner is OK for that job.  Get your textured sheet thoroughly clean and PETG should stick adequately.


Napsal : 02/04/2022 12:45 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Why are my petg prints terrible.

Also for PETG you might consider a silicone sock on the hot end if you don't have one already. There's always some amount of stringing with PETG and they can tend to collect on the hot end into a clump and then burn up and drop onto the print. They don't stick to the silicone sock.

Napsal : 02/04/2022 4:35 pm
ritzy se líbí
Noble Member
RE: Why are my petg prints terrible.

I also have a textured steel sheet that needs glue or (some type of adhesive to work), The very first one I received from Prusa is that way, I use Elmer's disappearing purple glue stick on it for PETG, and Layerneer bed weld when printing PLA and ABS on it, apparently not all the textured sheets were created equal, I have 2 that don't need anything. I've run across several folks on the forums that have experienced this as well, however cleaning the sheet is always good advise, but don't be afraid to use adhesives on it if needed. 





The Filament Whisperer

Napsal : 02/04/2022 5:09 pm
New Member
RE: Why are my petg prints terrible.

Should and does arnt the same as i can't get it to stick unless i go to close.  Plus your better of not going closer just to make the object stick.

Napsal : 03/04/2022 3:42 am