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Where to find Sample Prints for first timer
I just ordered the Original Prusa MK3+, I show in the video on YouTube that is a few years old that there were sample prints to choose from that came with the software. I cannot find where this is located. I apologize if this is a rather dumb question but I would like to test my first print with something from Prusa before venturing into thingiverse and printables. Can someone let me know how to access the sample prints from the Prusa website if that is still available?
Much appreciated, Nick.
Opublikowany : 09/01/2024 10:05 pm
Opublikowany : 10/01/2024 2:43 am
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RE: Where to find Sample Prints for first timer
Thank you very much! I also saw that some are loaded directly on the SD card that comes with the printer. Not sure if that is still the policy but I show I will get mine delivered today so thank you for the reply and assistance.
- Nick
Opublikowany : 11/01/2024 4:54 pm