What is this noise?
I can't seem to figure out where this noise is coming from. Is this a problem? Or a normal noise?
RE: What is this noise?
I don't hear any wrong noises compared to my Prusa printers.
Have a look at my models on Printables.com 😉
RE: What is this noise?
Shoot, I realize that it didn't capture it. There is a definite "bumping" sound as it goes diagonal. And it only seems to happen when moving diagonal. I'll try to get closer with the microphone. I can't seem to re-create it by moving the axes by hand, with the printer turned off.
RE: What is this noise?
If it is only when the printer moves diagonal it is properly resonance from the two steppers - that gives some different noises.
Please upload if you get it on microphone.
Have a look at my models on Printables.com 😉
RE: What is this noise?
Hello jaychat,
I have the same noise.
It sounds strange. Could you eliminate the bumping sound? How?