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Warping, uneven bed temperatures?  

Active Member
Warping, uneven bed temperatures?


Having trouble printing the parts for the Ikea Lack enclosure. The top corners are giving issues.

Printing with silver PLA from Prusa. 2 parts suffer from warping, every time the same parts in the same area. Other parts are OK.
Could it be that this related to different temperatures across the bed ? It is near the middle, see picture.

Warping is so bad that part will be "knocked off"by printhead/PINDA probe.
Happened repeatable times after each other.

Heatbed Temp 60 Degr. Celsius
Nozzle Temp 210 Degr. Celsius
Material Silver PLA (Prusa)


Respondido : 26/08/2018 8:02 pm
Active Member
Re: Warping, uneven bed temperatures?


I would suggest cleaning the bed with Acetone and maybe adding a small brim. Sometimes small PLA parts do warp (in my experience), i think this is less a temperature related problem.

18 y.o. student in Germany who is interested in engineering

Respondido : 27/08/2018 4:59 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Warping, uneven bed temperatures?

I would suggest cleaning the bed with Acetone and maybe adding a small brim. Sometimes small PLA parts do warp (in my experience), i think this is less a temperature related problem.

Thanks fort tips, had a conversation on the chat, suggesting to lower nozzle a bit and raise bed temperature slightly. The cleaning of the bed was mentioned also ;-))

Respondido : 28/08/2018 9:31 am
Noble Member
Re: Warping, uneven bed temperatures?

Hi all ,

Am looking for the brim problem and i had the almost same issue than thijs , But on the brim only

and i don't understand too why some parts perfect and other small warping !! and the most funny is that the brim was ok on the begining , i clean with Acetone and the 1st line was perfect glue on it ..

After Brim finished like 0.5cm then it warping !!!

same issue then thijs ? clean and increase temp ??

thanks for idea

Respondido : 28/08/2018 3:48 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Warping, uneven bed temperatures?

Hi all ,

Am looking for the brim problem and i had the almost same issue than thijs , But on the brim only

and i don't understand too why some parts perfect and other small warping !! and the most funny is that the brim was ok on the begining , i clean with Acetone and the 1st line was perfect glue on it ..

After Brim finished like 0.5cm then it warping !!!

same issue then thijs ? clean and increase temp ??

thanks for idea

Didn't raise temperaure yet. Did a new calibration as I positioned the PINDA probe quite low last calibration, this resulted in large Z value (1600+). Probe was very close to the nozzle, I used a razor blade at that time instead of the zip-tie.

Recalibrated with zip-tie, Z value around 1100, cleaned bed with Acetone (before First layer calibration). Printing some small parts as we speak, not noticed any warping.

- Acetone cleaning of bed
- Adjusted PINDA probe
- Calibration of first layer

Conclusion (my personal 😉 )
- Warping assumed to be caused by improper adhesion

Would be nice to make a guide/database with most common issues with solutions.
At the moment I'm trying to write down my experiences and mention the printer settings, regardless if the info make sense.
Info I think should be 'mandatory', fillament type and brand, temperature settings (nozzle and bed), medium used for last cleaning, Slicer used including settings (I use Slicer PE, standard settings).

Reading your issue with warping, is it the brim only ? Then I gues it might be a cooling issue, so I would go for a raise in bed temperature. On the otherhand, if the brim is only required for production and will be remove when finished, than I wouldn't bother that much about warping, unless your nozzle will start hitting it, or your object will not be stable anymore.

Let me know you findings, solutions, best practices etc. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Happy Printing !! ( 😮 who said this before 😎 😎 )

Respondido : 29/08/2018 10:51 pm
Noble Member
Re: Warping, uneven bed temperatures?

Thanks Thijs for ur long reply

i think i don't wait time enough before printing at today in my area weather still ok but not so hot than this summer and evening is becoem fresh cooling. so now i preheat and wait about 10' .

3D printing seems like computer, 1day work perfect , 1day got issue ..i've got some Oozing and another day without any change, all was perfect now to be sure am using the glue sitcker they ship with the MK3 it's work perfectly . As i don't liek the Brim to take i out after and let some small frame along the piece i find.

Good to write down all step and ur exp that would be good help for us


Respondido : 30/08/2018 10:21 pm
Active Member
Re: Warping, uneven bed temperatures?

Although this thread is 3 months old. I just want to add my experience.

I had the same problem printing Prusa PLA. Some parts were okay. Some parts were warped and kicked off the bed.
So I printed a calibration cubic 2x2x2. The z-axis was approx 0.1mm bigger than the x an y

After contacting the chat, I increased the bed temperature to 60 degrees (Powder coated sheet) and lowered the z-axis calibration another -.100
After the z-axis calibration finished I now had a tough time to get the lines off the bed.

Printed some bigger parts and everything looks good so far.
Tomorrow I will do some thin parts again to double check adhesion.

Respondido : 26/11/2018 9:58 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Warping, uneven bed temperatures?


Topic might be old, but might hide some nice tips.

Firtst Layer calibration has a bigger impact on print quality than I thought it would.
Was suffering some issues with bad prints which seems to be related to the heatbed calibration and first layer calibration.

So common practice I do is check first layer and adjust if needed. From time to time I do a complete calibration of the bed itself, including first layer.

Kind regards,


Respondido : 27/11/2018 10:26 pm