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Trouble with prints  

Active Member
Trouble with prints

Hi Everyone,

I’m new to printing, so please bear with me. I’ve tried, with varying success, to print different objects. The pics I’ve included show the problems I’m running into. Being new, I’m not sure where to even begin. I’m using PLA and the factory settings from Prusa. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Napsal : 21/03/2022 11:43 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Trouble with prints

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

Napsal : 22/03/2022 6:15 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Trouble with prints

Where to start.  Those parts look terrible and no where near what a properly assembled mk3 is capable of.  All the issues I see in those pictures point to mechanical problems and not slicer settings.

The Luke pommel for instance, well the circles are NOT round and the first layer is not properly squished.  It also looks like the extruder isnt feeding properly as there are missing sections in the layers.   So either tension, a loose bondtech gear on the extruder shaft or a filament clog for the missing filament.

If this is a self assembly kit build then you need to redo pretty much all the calibration, belt tension and other preflight checks.  Check all motor pulleys for being loose.  Check those grub screws carefully and make sure they are tightened in order or they will come loose in future.  Every single step in the build process is there for a reason and the order you do things in makes a big difference.  Its easy to miss a step, i seem to recall that the instructions for pulleys says they will be tightened at a later step but that later step just casually mentions it. 

Then check belt tensions on x/y.  If a pulley is loose then you cant realistically tension the belts.  Each step builds upon and depends on the previous steps being correct.

Once you are certain they are done you need to learn how to properly set up your first layer.  Once its set right and your bed is clean then with pla on the smooth sheet it will not release and any filament laid down will stick and give you a good base for the rest of the print.  

Napsal : 22/03/2022 7:24 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Trouble with prints

Thank you. This was a kit that I put together. It took me a few weekends and I went slow. I’ll try what you suggested. Much appreciated. 

Napsal : 23/03/2022 12:46 am