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Trouble printing any custom models  

Active Member
Trouble printing any custom models

Hi, I have been having issues printing with various default settings from Prusa slicer to my mk3s+. It prints any template models provided, but nothing I generate, it simply gets clogged up and does not seem to lay down thin enough layers so it gets think and does not work. I tried a cube to test and it does not work. I have provided my sample gcode for the cube from maya. Thanks. 

Edited by Joan. IF you wish to add Gcode, please zip compress the file, and attach the compressed file. 

Posted : 24/04/2023 7:46 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Trouble printing any custom models

If presliced models work fine but your own won't, that's a good hint there's something wrong in your settings. Load one of those models, set things up the way you'd print them, then use Save as from the File menu to save as a 3mf file. Now you have to compress it (right-click) to a .Z file or the forum software will reject it — we have asked for years to make it allow 3mf files ☹️. Finally, reply to this thread and use the Attach file function under the text edit box to attach the zip compressed 3mr file to your post. A 3mf file contains the STL but more importantly ALL your settings, so we can take a look.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 25/04/2023 11:18 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Trouble printing any custom models

Thanks @fuchsr. 

cube cube

Posted : 25/04/2023 3:15 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Trouble printing any custom models

There's something hinky going on here.  I loaded the project.  Now the custom start gcode of the profiles is almost non existent so PS is adding all the safety stuff for you.  Frankly its better to explicitly define that rather than let the slicer do it but whatever.

A potential problem I see though, is that for some reason every time the printer retracts PS is issuing a G92 E0 code.  Thats a command to zero the extruder count.  The printer though is configured to use absolute positioning for the Extruder.  So the extruded amount of filament should go up and up and down by 2mm when it retracts but then up again.  With it being zeroed on retraction I'm not sure its going to push out enough filament when it resumes.  If you configure it to relative then it doesn't add that G92 E0 at each retraction, it just does it on layer change and as the config is set for relative it all works out.

I've attached a new 3mf project (with a set of pre-sliced gcode).  I've changed the printer profile to use relative extrusion.  Give it a go and see if it at least tries to print with that.  If that gcode/project prints then you can use the updated printer profile (just save it using the normal disc/save icon next to the profile).

Posted : 25/04/2023 5:12 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Trouble printing any custom models

As this was posted in the MK3(S+) forum, I assume OP has a MK3 printer. But the profile in the 3mf is not a Mk3 profile, or if it was at some time, it's now butchered beyond recognition. I wonder if OP went through the proper configuration steps for Prusaslicer? Go to Configuration, run the Confiugration Assistant, and load the profile(s) for your specific printer. Hopefully, this is an easy fix for your issues.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 25/04/2023 8:03 pm
Doogles liked
Illustrious Member
RE: Trouble printing any custom models

I'd agree, the picture shows a Mk3 series printer but that profile is NOT for a mk3.  Installing one of the proper ones through the wizard would probably be the easiest way to check things.

Posted : 25/04/2023 8:52 pm
Doogles liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Trouble printing any custom models

Turns out it was the improper template configuration for the proper printer. Feels so painfully obvious now. Thank you @neophyl and @fuchsr for your knowledge and assistance. Much obliged! -David.

Posted : 26/04/2023 3:27 pm
RE: Trouble printing any custom models

@Neophyl @FoxRun3D

I'm having a very similar issue to OP. Official Prusa test prints run fine but custom prints either print with an uneven surface, become unstuck from the printing bed 75% through, or blob up and make a mess about 75% through.

I never used to have an issue and nothing changed as far as I know. Maybe I reinstalled the Prusa software on my PC and used the wrong configuration?

"I'd agree, the picture shows a Mk3 series printer but that profile is NOT for a mk3. "

How do you know that a profile is not for the proper printer?

Posted : 16/09/2024 5:37 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Trouble printing any custom models

Because the OP attached a copy of one of his Prusa slicer projects when we open it we can see all the details of the profiles he was using. At that point it becomes easy to tell if it’s a Prusa supplied profile for the printer. 
If I have a default profile for printer X installed, say a mk3s and then I load in a project that supposedly also uses a mk3s then the slicer will highlight if the installed profile is different to the one stored in the project. You can then look through for the specific differences and see what is changed. 

Beyond that though when you are familiar with the general structure of profiles you can sometimes spot settings that just don’t look ‘right’. If you are having similar issues I would suggest attaching a zipped up project file , at least that way someone can take a look and see if there’s something obvious to spot. 

Posted : 17/09/2024 5:11 am