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Tiny blobs on inside of print  

Eminent Member
Tiny blobs on inside of print

So Im not too sure whats causing this. Its possible its just the filament, as a coworker had a similar issue on an Ender 2. Its fake wood PLA, and this model is something I created myself in Zbrush (digital sculpting program).

It could also be the shape. I printed a hexagon planter and there were no little blobs to be seen. Any ideas? Its not a deal breaker for me because I can sand it, but if I can make it better Id like to try.

Using Simplify3d to slice, 220 temp, 60 bed. Thank you!

Napsal : 18/08/2018 1:19 am
Honorable Member
Re: Tiny blobs on inside of print

turn on retractions and travel in preview and I bet they'll line up with the blobs.

you might try playing around with the "cross outline for travel" setting

Napsal : 21/08/2018 6:44 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Tiny blobs on inside of print

turn off retraction during layer change

Napsal : 28/08/2018 2:18 pm