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The printed part moves  

New Member
The printed part moves


I am trying to print a visor for helping in my village but when I have 12% made, the extruder (I think it is) move the piece and I have to restart.

Tension belt is around 290.

I don't know if it is problem of PINDA sensor calibration or what it can be.

Thanks for helping!!

Veröffentlicht : 16/04/2020 9:53 am
RE: The printed part moves

Could be a couple of things:

1. first if you are printing with PLA ensure that the bed is clean, I use dish soap like fairy or any similar brand.

2. The first layer needs to be as perfect as possible, run the first layer calibration and ensure that the last part of the print is perfect. You can also find tests with nine patches that allow you to dial your printer even closer. If there is a large difference between the patches you go into advanced bed leveling to clear that up.

3. As you are printing you can also use the live Z-axis leveling to get even closer.

Good Luck, be Safe


Stay safe and healthy, Phil

Veröffentlicht : 16/04/2020 8:16 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: The printed part moves

More info, filament? pictures?

Clean bed with dish soap so it will stick the best.

First layer should be 100% so it will stick the best.


make a big brim attache to stl,

print first layer slower, 10 mm

print first layer hotter 10 c higher.


Veröffentlicht : 16/04/2020 8:18 pm
RE: The printed part moves

One other point, a gotcha that I am not getting any more. Before I print a model that I've drawn up, I use Blender 3d, I check the first layers of the slicer to verify that all of the parts that are supposed to touch the plate do just that. If They don't I go back to the model and fix the areas so they are in contact with the plate on the first layer.

Good luck and be Safe,


Stay safe and healthy, Phil

Veröffentlicht : 16/04/2020 8:48 pm