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The hot end PTFE tube is deformed? Can I fix it?  

New Member
The hot end PTFE tube is deformed? Can I fix it?

Trying to print nylon (eSun ePA), and getting a bunch of spaghetti out of the side of the extruder. I was able to get Flexfill 98A to print pretty well, but now with Nylon, no idea what's going on. I slowed the printing down quite a bit, it lays down the first layer or two, and then just feeds out of the side. I opened it up and took a picture. Feeding too quick still? Too tight on the filament?

Looks like it might be a recurring problem with the feeder gears and alignment. Can I replace the PTFE tube or somehow fix this issue? Other than that, the MK3 has been performing pretty well.

Publié : 16/04/2018 1:32 am
Eminent Member
Re: The hot end PTFE tube is deformed? Can I fix it?

I replaced mine with regular PTFE that I got off amazon some time ago with no issues. It will require you to pretty much fully disassemble your extruder though. Keep the old one for reference.

When you get the old one out, you'll notice its contoured on the end to fit snug in the hot end. Don't fuss with reproducing that contoured end. Its an absolute exercise in futility. Just make sure the ends are cut as flat as possible.

Cut to size, insert and reassemble. Voila! Like new.

I'm sure someone is going to add that the PTFE tube in the MK3 is the same as the tighter tolerance one in the MMU. And that you absolutely NEED that special PTFE tube. I'm here to tell you, as a MK3 and MMU owner... it doesn't matter.

Publié : 17/04/2018 12:08 pm
Reputable Member
Re: The hot end PTFE tube is deformed? Can I fix it?

This statement concerns me. Do you regularly print with ABS, nylon, or TPE? Those filaments require careful alignment and I believe shaping of the PTFE tube.

Publié : 17/04/2018 6:45 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: The hot end PTFE tube is deformed? Can I fix it?

My statement? I regularly print with mostly PLA, ABS and PETG. Those work flawlessly, no spaghetti, no jamming, great prints once dialed in. (PETG is my new favorite!) I've just started experimenting with flexible filament.

I had to dial in the TPU, (it was getting spaghetti, but I slowed the feed WAAAY down and reduced the speed of the axes, and was able to print 5 hrs straight at 0.25mm nozzle), but Nylon is a different matter, so I'm unsure if the result of the PTFE tube is from all the filament spaghetti leaking out of the side of the extruder. I'm printing at 0.4mm for the Nylon. The first initial lines of the first layer go down great, and then as it starts the second layer, spaghetti starts in the extruder.

So I'm unsure to if the PTFE tube shown here is causing me spaghetti, or possible the speed settings for Nylon.

Publié : 18/04/2018 5:30 am
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