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taulman t-glase, inconsistent transparency  

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taulman t-glase, inconsistent transparency

So I compiled a version of prusaslicer with aligned rectilinear infil (this print predates 2.3.0 alpha 4) and printed this rectangle with maximally solid infil and no perimeters and then sanded and polished the large flat sides to a usable finish. The test came out almost exactly as intended, but.....

t-glase with aligned rectilinear infill showing transparency
It appears that the actual transparent-ness of the print is a bit inconsistent, perhaps caused by variations in filament diameter? The photo below shows this better:

off-axis light highlights transparency inconsistencies

Any ideas on avoiding these layer variations? If its caused by filament diameter variations this might be hard to correct?

Postato : 01/12/2020 12:59 am