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Support / Overhang  

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Support / Overhang


I was testing some new design for support / overhang structures, but I'm having some troubles with it. Enclosed my experience and the problem I have

1. The new slicr (1.39 -> 1.4.11) makes better support structures, but still takes a lot of time and material

2. The tree support ( ) safes time and material, but needs a lot of afterwards cleaning. Also it's very difficult to remove the support structure from the part. So this is really (like in the video said) only for punctual overhangs. Enclosed some pictures how it looks on a panel.

3. I designed my own overhang structure, which I put it below my part. The idea: The structure should save material and should only produce the Slicr support between the top of my support structure and the part I need. So I just need a wall with an angular roof...

Problem: Idea is good, but it's not working. There is every where support material. Did I make a mistake or has Slicr just another opinion than me... ?

Veröffentlicht : 18/10/2018 12:28 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Support / Overhang

pictures of the tree

Veröffentlicht : 18/10/2018 12:28 pm