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Support Material For Openings on Part  

Eminent Member
Support Material For Openings on Part

So i am trying to print the Prusa MK3 Mean Well LRS-350 Specific Mount. The guide says not to use support except for a small point on the base plate. I am looking at the PSU cover and i don't see how it would be able to print without supports. 1) Can this PSU cover really be printed without supports? 2) I can handle putting supports  for opening #1 and #2 however, there is this opening #3 that starts at layer 47.40 that i am unsure about. How can you put supports for JUST the opening instead of it having to start from the build plate?

Thanks in Advance

This topic was modified 2 months ago by Yngeinstn
Posted : 05/12/2024 3:15 pm
Illustrious Member

First you use snug support type and not grid.  Secondly you can then paint a thin strip in the middle of the surface which will make the support narrower.  Adjust until it doesnt go to the base plate. 

Thirdly yes all those opening do not need support.  They will bridge.  While they may sag slightly in the middle there will easily be enough clearance built in for that not to be a problem.  

Finally, this question really belong in the prusa slicer sub forum at the bottom of this site 🙂

Posted : 05/12/2024 6:09 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks for the information.. I was unaware that big of an opening can be done without supports. I am guessing that the opening that you were referring to about painting doesn't need supports either?

Okay i will keep where to post in mind the next time.

This post was modified 2 months ago by Yngeinstn
Posted : 05/12/2024 6:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Support Material For Openings on Part

It shouldn't either unless your printers cooling is really really bad.

The painting tip was more of a 'if you really want to' then you can.

Posted : 05/12/2024 10:48 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Support Material For Openings on Part

Much appreciated! Learn something new everyday.. I thought those openings were impossible without supports


Posted : 05/12/2024 11:38 pm