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Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.  

Eminent Member
Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

I'm trying to print some small ledges that slide together with a 0.2mm gap on all sides and the part prints beautifully at 0.1mm height with autoset by 45deg supports turned on.

It prints great until it has to do the supports. Should I not iron the flats? My overhangs on the flats look like they're not sticking side to side. Using 0.4 stock nozzle, prusament petg with stock settings. Droops a bit before it starts printing. On my last attempt I kept getting "crash detected" halfway through the support layers.


I only put the printer (mk3s+) together a few weeks ago. I'm learning solidworks and prusa slicer at the same time. 

Not old till you hit triple digits...
-Güber McSanchez.

Postato : 25/05/2021 2:14 am
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

Do you have an image from the slicer or CAD so I can see what it is supposed to look like?  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 25/05/2021 2:20 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

These are the sections I'm trying to print and test fitment on. I flipped the larger overhang but that's the print that got hung up on the crash detection. 

Not old till you hit triple digits...
-Güber McSanchez.

Postato : 25/05/2021 2:36 am
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

What are your support settings?  

I use:

  • 0.25mm z distance.
  • 75% xy distance.
  • 3mm support spacing.
  • 4 interface layers.
  • 0.2mm interface layer spacing.

Another user suggested them and it makes them easier to remove.    If post the STL file or send them attached to a PM, I will try to print it.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 25/05/2021 3:00 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

My settings haven't changed from stock when I installed slicer.

Contact z is 0.1mm

Xy is 50%

2mm spacing

2 interface layers and 0.2mm pattern spacing. I'll upload the 3mf later. 

Not old till you hit triple digits...
-Güber McSanchez.

Postato : 25/05/2021 4:53 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

It actually won't let me upload 3mf. I'll try to see if solidworks will save as stl tomorrow evening. 

Not old till you hit triple digits...
-Güber McSanchez.

Postato : 25/05/2021 5:25 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

You need to zip up files like 3mf or stl to attach them. 

With a contact distance of 0.1 even PLA will weld the supports to the part, with petg its going to be worse.

Postato : 25/05/2021 6:15 am
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.


Te following link my help you zip it:

How to save and upload a project

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 25/05/2021 10:34 am
Felenari hanno apprezzato
Illustrious Member
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

I'm learning solidworks and prusa slicer at the same time.

Unfortunately there's another discipline to master as well ... Designing for 3d printing.

Unsupported overhangs are never going to be easy prints.  Can you rework the slider to use a 45 degree profile?

If they engage like this ==> >== they will remain located just as well but be a much easier print which could be oriented as you show it above.



Postato : 25/05/2021 11:20 am
-- hanno apprezzato
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.


There's your first problem - use .2mm or .25mm separation distance or your supports will require a file to clean up.

Postato : 25/05/2021 4:14 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

Tyty everyone. I'll upload the zip when I get home. I get to see my baby's ultrasound for the first time in eight months (Yay covid) so that's all I'm thinking about today.

Designing for additive manufacturing is something I'm also learning. Always down to learn more. I'll try the 45 when I make the zip tonight.

Again Ty for all the help. 

Not old till you hit triple digits...
-Güber McSanchez.

Postato : 25/05/2021 5:11 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

Tanto Mag Prop


Sorry for the wait. We got stuck at the hospital for a min but all is well. I zipped the two 3mf files and added them to this post if I did it right. I'm going to try reprinting my test bits (just the interlocking bits) with the recommended settings from above but I'm going to try redesigning it with more 45deg features. At the bottom of the magazine cover are two small indents for the magazine lips to sit in. Any recs on how to keep those nice?


Again ty for the help.

Not old till you hit triple digits...
-Güber McSanchez.

Postato : 26/05/2021 6:40 pm
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.


If you redo the bayonet with 45's, you should not need any support at all.


Postato : 26/05/2021 8:07 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

Bayonet? Are those the ledges? Sorry English isn't my first language (Flemish) so I miss words every once and a while.

Not old till you hit triple digits...
-Güber McSanchez.

Postato : 26/05/2021 9:36 pm
Noble Member
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.



Your over all design is not designed for FDM/FFF printing, the connection between the two pieces have 90 degree overhangs, you could use support material to hold up the 90 degree over hangs, but that's not very clean and you would have to post process the model to made it fit together nicely. You could also redesign the connection area at 45 degrees guaranteeing that it would print nicely but you would still need supports in the flat areas, the areas that are horizontal to the bed, and the Tang would also need supports as modeled no matter what. all that said we have what is called (modeling for FDM/FFF printing) and this entails keeping gravity in mind and the characteristics of the material your printing with. Lets say your printing with PLA, you might expect to be able to get over hangs/angles of up to 60 degrees with this material, but with PETG only 50 degrees, so you would model based on this knowledge. The less support material you use, the less post process work you have to do to assemble the model. after having viewed your model parts I can tell you as a 30 year veteran of 3d modeling and software, that your model can be made to work flawlessly with FDM/FFF printing but you are going to have to redesign with the limitations of this technology in mind.





The Filament Whisperer

Postato : 27/05/2021 12:49 am
Felenari hanno apprezzato
Illustrious Member
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

Here's the issue in a language neutral format.

Postato : 27/05/2021 2:32 am
Felenari hanno apprezzato
Noble Member
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

BTW,  Tim thanks for putting together the (How to save and upload a project) page, that's a great tool.





The Filament Whisperer

Postato : 27/05/2021 3:04 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small (2mm) ledge not printing well in petg.

Tyty. I'll redesign the grooves and give it a shot.

Not old till you hit triple digits...
-Güber McSanchez.

Postato : 27/05/2021 10:59 pm