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Screw holes printing too large  

New Member
Screw holes printing too large

I'm having a specific problem with my MK3 - hollow posts for screws are printing too large, so that the screw threads don't bite and the screws don't stay in the holes or hold anything together.

It's happening with this STL file: case-top.stl, from Thingiverse. And, oddly enough, if I cut up the STL to isolate just one of those hollow posts, and print the single post alone, it prints at the correct size - a screw fits in perfectly, with just the right tolerance to allow the threads to bite into the plastic and make a solid fit.

I'm using Slic3r PE Edition to generate my gcode file. Everything else on prints comes out essentially perfect, with all surfaces and snap connections mating beautifully. Is there a setting I need to look at in Slic3r to fix the screw holes, or is there something else I'm doing wrong?

Thank you for any assistance.

Veröffentlicht : 26/07/2018 9:18 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Screw holes printing too large

possible that you are underextruding slightly and just not noticing. Are you using prusa's M221 S95 in your start script?

A tiny amount of xy compensation in slic3r may help but will affect the other connections as well.

Veröffentlicht : 02/08/2018 7:39 am