Retraction sometimes not working?
I'm trying to print some skipping rope handles for my daughter from this STL:
Having sliced the file using Slic3r PE 1.39.1-prusa3d, using stock settings (0.20mm FAST MK3) and printed it, I can see generally retraction is working (although I'm getting a few "zits" on the sides of the prints).
However when I turn the printed part over, I can see some places where it looks like a move was made across open space without a retraction taking place. This is not regular stringing - the unwanted lines are the full nozzle width wide:
Here are my Slic3r retration settings:
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? What settings should I change to fix this?
I've had the same issue with a couple of other prints, notably where small overhangs are involved. This appears to be the common trigger factor.
Re: Retraction sometimes not working?
NO, this is not a retraction problem, this looks like a problem of perimeter bonding or overhang issue.
Print you the ext. perimeter first ? Check it in your slicer settings.
Do you print the oject upside down ?