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Resumed printing after months and there's a lot more stringing.
I just resumed printing this week after a loooong hiatus. I tried printing 2 of these guys and there was a massive string web across the two objects. When I printed only 1 at a time, it was much less stringy, but you can still see that very thick stringing issue at the end there.
What could be the cause of this? This did not exist when I started printing during the first quarter of this year.
1- Filament is too wet? They have been in those airtight plastic bins, but my decadent probably needs a refresh. It's not super humid here, but could be an issue. What's the best way to confirm if it is wet?
2- Nozzle issue? Do I need to take the nozzle off for a cleaning or switch it out? Is this hard to do?
Thanks in advance.
Napsal : 22/10/2021 11:11 pm