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Questions about a large print  

New Member
Questions about a large print

I've had the i3 mk3 for 2 weeks and I've done a couple of large print (20+ hours).

Is it normal to have this type of artifacts (little points) on the side?

I suppose the warp on the corners it's caused by drastic temperature fluctuations, right?
It's winter on my country, and the temperatures goes from 2°C to 15°C now.
So, maybe I should consider an enclosure?

I used Slic3r P3, PLA material, with almost stock present 0.2 [mm] layer height, the fill pattern is cubic and stock 0.4 nozzle.

Publié : 02/08/2018 7:59 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Questions about a large print

yeah if its a thinner wall you may see some retraction or start/stop zits.

thats an awful lot of warping for PLA, if its that cold you definitely need to look at an enclosure.

Publié : 03/08/2018 10:42 pm
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