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Prusacaster - warping of the core part  

Milos V.
Prominent Member
Prusacaster - warping of the core part

I would like to ask you, who printed the Prusacaster electric guitar (The Prusacaster - a 3D printable guitar), about the strange warping during the print of the core part.

I drives me crazy, because I can see from the shared prints hundreds of succesful prints, without any comments about this.

The print stars pretty well, printing several hours. Then at exactly same position the left part of the print starts to deform. I was whitnessing this, there was no HW issues preceding this. Simply the 2 outer perimeters starts to warp up once printing the perimeters just next to it. The nozzle then starts to jump over these unregular and damaged lines. That continues for several hours and after that it normalizes again. I stopped the first print, thinking of some HW issue. Try again with second and  exactly the same. I decided to continue but unfortunatelly after several hours I got nozzle clog, so have to cancel send print as well. I did the complete reassembly of the extruder, replaced all plastic parts for the latest + version. Changed a filament (maybe the galaxy white pigment caused it). But the same result, in the same place. Again. No I continue with printing (takes in total 39 hours), even if this will not be nice, hopefully I can sand this a bit and cover with other parts or sticker :-). This is only problem of perimeters, the infill is completely fine and the layers hold well. I am interested if something happend ever to any of you, because this is completely something new to me. Never happend before from 2016. 

During the second print I even tried to sand this during print, I was able to make the surface completely smooth and flat. But after two layers it starts to do it again. Sanding has no positive effect, instead of soling the printer, and possible also the clog.

Any ideas? Tried lower speed, lower temperature, change of fillament. The print does not warp from bed, it is stable. Why I am the only one having this trouble? 🙂

This topic was modified 2 years temu by Milos V.
Opublikowany : 28/05/2023 9:08 am
Milos V.
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:

So 4 hours later, everything goes fine again, as first time. No idea why that happen everytime again. Only new thing I use now is the new PrusaSlicer 2.6 because of organic supports.

This post was modified 2 years temu by Milos V.
Opublikowany : 28/05/2023 1:13 pm