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Problems with large rectangular prints  

Active Member
Problems with large rectangular prints

I have a new MK3+ and I have printed about 25 large frames the StageTop printable table.  They came out fine.  The frames are 210m. square. .

I then tried printed the blank tiles, they are large and fill up the build plate. 

The first one came out fine, and then subsequent ones had warping and odd corners. 


All this was without cleaning the smooth plate.  I tried the other side that had not been used and tried with a half size tile and it had the same issue.  I tried glue stick and even added some "support tabs"  This is PLA with .2 layer height and out of the box slicer settings


Napsal : 08/04/2023 3:14 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problems with large rectangular prints

I ended up re-setting the first layer calibration, set the perimeters print first and upped the bed temp to 70.  The half tile printed perfect.  Now, starting on the full.  Fingers crossed.

Napsal : 09/04/2023 12:20 pm
Noble Member
RE: Problems with large rectangular prints

Any time you print something that completely encompasses the build plate, you'll have to worry about the edges lifting.   This is particularly true when it's solid.  The lifting is long runs of filament contracting as as the layers get further away from the heated bed.  You can try adding a few degrees to the bed temp, printing in an enclosure, Changing the infill type to something like cubic or possibly adding holes in the large flat area that is contacting the build plate.   I printed a bathroom drawer insert some time ago in clear petg that actually pulled the corners of the build plate up with it!   Different materials can be more subject to this warping than others.   I tend to use layerneer bed weld vs using glue stick.

Good luck!

Napsal : 09/04/2023 12:39 pm
Noble Member
RE: Problems with large rectangular prints

Here's the petg print I was talking about

Napsal : 09/04/2023 12:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problems with large rectangular prints

I actually got it to work.  I kept the settings above and added a brim.  I have 25 of them to do, so far 3 have been perfect.  The top surface needs to be solid since it is a table top tile, otherwise holes would make sense.


Napsal : 10/04/2023 5:29 pm
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