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Problem with PLA Detail Prints  

New Member
Problem with PLA Detail Prints


i have a problem with my Mk3. Every time I try to print objects in the resolution 0,10mm the prints fails. I looks like that the filament stucks in the nozzle.

I am using this filament: with the Pusa PLA Settings.

Any idea what goes wrong?


Opublikowany : 19/06/2018 8:42 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Problem with PLA Detail Prints

Can you post some pics? I would guess that if live z is not correctly tuned, then filament might slowly come off the bed and since it is higher then it can hit the nozzle? Curious to see first layer picture and bottom of printed part. Or maybe printed part does not have time to cool down and next layer goes on top ... and I heard that this also causes layers to curl up.

Others with more experience might ask for more info ... or give you the right answer. 😀

Opublikowany : 20/06/2018 4:07 am