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Problem with fillamentium extrafill.  

Active Member
Problem with fillamentium extrafill.

Hi all.

I always like the look of fillamentium extrafill vertigo galaxy and finally was able to pick some up from prusa shop.

I have a problem tho, it clogs the nozzle every time. No other filament does that even if i use it right after.

But when i try to use extrafill motor start skipping steps untill extrusion stops completly...

It happen ususally after 30-60 min into the print...

Anyone have any advice ?

Tried several temperature and retraction option but nothing works.

The nozzle is fine itself (original e3d hardened steel) and i have 0 issues with other filaments including carbon and copperfill...

Napsal : 30/04/2019 8:29 am
Honorable Member
RE: Problem with fillamentium extrafill.

Try increasing temperature to at least 225 °C and also decrease the retract length in Printer Settings -> Extruder 1. A length of 0.3mm may help.

I'm printing Fillamentum Extrafill Vertigo Grey and Vertigo Starlight without any trouble. Didn't try Vertigo Galaxy yet, though.

They work for me without clogs with standard Generic PLA settings, however the surface is matte and layer adhesion poor, both fixed by increasing the temperature.

Napsal : 30/04/2019 8:49 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problem with fillamentium extrafill.

Thank you for the advice.

I`ve tried higher temperatures but it did not help.

Decreased retraction drastically and testing now....

Napsal : 30/04/2019 9:01 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problem with fillamentium extrafill.

Unfortunately it did not help.

Same issue with 225C and almost no retraction...

Napsal : 30/04/2019 11:49 am
Honorable Member
RE: Problem with fillamentium extrafill.

Do you know where is it getting stuck? Is it in the nozzle (where the supplied needle would help and it'd also be visible by uneven loading flow) or in the heatbreak (which is typically invisible, but can be noticed by making filament unloading hard, because there is a buildup of filament inside the heatbreak making the filament thicker at the end).

It could be that the filament is wet. PLA is not very much hygroscopic, but it too, absorbs water. Water boils in the hot end and causes oozing and backing up of the filament, causing the filament to get stuck. Or it could be this:

The key is figuring out where the blockage happens.

Napsal : 30/04/2019 12:25 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problem with fillamentium extrafill.

Thank you for help. 

After your advice i checked and it seemed that the clog was in the nozzle.

Since i have no needle for cleaning and plenty of spares i just disassembled the hotend, cleaned and reassembled with new nozzle.

After this i was finally able to print with no issues. 

Napsal : 01/05/2019 12:01 pm