Problem with a specific corner of any print
I am not sure this is my unique problem or user error in settings but for all my prints, the "lower right" corner always print badly. I inserted 2 pictures to explain - the 1st one shows how the first few layers are printed and it already shows problem in printing that corner. The 2nd picture shows an essentially flat plate that I printed and it clearly shows how badly that corner is printed.
I have tried rotate the object - the problem stays with the corner. Between the 2 pictures, one if using PETG and the other PLA so it is not material specific.
Would like to get some help to what can I do to fix this?
please show us the underside of the failed print.
Try flipping the print sheet over, give the unused side a thorough clean to remove fingermarks and re-print - what happns?
RE: Problem with a specific corner of any print
Temperature at that corner may be wrong. Hard to tell if there is a heating issue without a thermal camera. I have read about people having that issue. Maybe one of the non-contact thermometers may be able to read the temperature.
RE: Problem with a specific corner of any print
please show us the underside of the failed print.
Try flipping the print sheet over, give the unused side a thorough clean to remove fingermarks and re-print - what happns?
I tried to add another picture of the underside but not sure if it came thru. In any case, the bottom is printed fine though one can still tell there's something missing in that corner. Per the original picture I shared that showed the printer just started printing the 1st layer, you can see in the lower right corner that it did not print right already.
The 2 pictures are results from 2 different Prusa printers hence I am lost about how / why it happened.
As for cleaning, I use 99% isopropyl alcohol then windex to wipe down the steel plate every time before I start a print so I am quite certain it is clean.
RE: Problem with a specific corner of any print
I find washing the build plate, with hot water and dish soap, rubbing really well with a new dish sponge and rinsing well with hot plain water. followed by drying immediately with plain dry paper towels, works better than IPA.
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
*Try flipping the print sheet over,*
RE: Problem with a specific corner of any print
I tried flipping the print sheet so I am using a brand new sheet. I'll try dish soap next time but still used isopropyl alcohol then windex prior to printing. The interesting result is that as the picture showed, the same corner is not being printed perfectly even though the size is totally different than before. I don't have another picture but when all I did was to rotate it 90 degree using PrusaSlicer then print again. The result then comes out perfect.
So I am really lost as to what is causing that. The only other potential gotcha might be that I am not printing the brim.
I wonder if your part is a fraction of a degree off level..?
Try using the 'Place on Face' button to make sure it is level.