Prints With an upward curve seems to not be coming out - Looking for feedback
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Prints With an upward curve seems to not be coming out - Looking for feedback  

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Prints With an upward curve seems to not be coming out - Looking for feedback

Upper Left Corner / Bottom Right Corner Examples

Veröffentlicht : 06/03/2022 4:49 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Prints With an upward curve seems to not be coming out - Looking for feedback

as a curved surface rises from the build plate, the initial layers are at a very shallow angle and the filament droops
supports can get messy, 
when I design a model I try to put a chamfer at the build plate interface and a curve above that, the chanfer at 45degrees is easily printable and then morphs into the curve. 
It is not as aesthetically pleasing as a smooth curve, but usually prints much more pleasingly. 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 07/03/2022 9:25 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prints With an upward curve seems to not be coming out - Looking for feedback

This, as Joan says, you can tell what models and designers are actually familiar with the limitations of current gen 3d printing.  With curves like that there isn't room under the initial layers for support anyway due to the z gap setting and even with supports those bottom layers don't usually look nice.

If you expect them to print well then you are going to be disappointed. 

Veröffentlicht : 07/03/2022 11:46 am