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Printing with doodle3d
Did anyone print some projects from doodle3d? Doodle3d seems pretty easy for kids to project. Unfortunately none of the project print well. How do you save them?
Napsal : 10/08/2019 5:56 am
RE: Printing with doodle3d
There are plenty of free tools to do the same thing, just as easy.
Napsal : 10/08/2019 8:01 am
Topic starter
RE: Printing with doodle3d
Good to hear. What do you recommend? I'm looking for something which works with Windows and iOS.
Napsal : 11/08/2019 4:40 am
RE: Printing with doodle3d
TinkerCAD, Meshmixer, Fusion360 (a bit intense to learn), to name a few. Depends on what you are modeling.
Napsal : 11/08/2019 7:57 am