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Printing problems  

Active Member
Printing problems

I’ve been slowly getting my printer in shape but I can only prints small things like this and wondering if there’s a way to get my first layer better and get rid of smudgeing, and make it so the layers aren’t as visible more and varied in quality.

Napsal : 28/03/2019 4:26 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Printing problems

Yes, there is.

Napsal : 28/03/2019 9:34 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Printing problems

Great how?

Napsal : 29/03/2019 1:53 am
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Printing problems

the best prep for your bed is to wash it with warm water and dawn dish soap (in the UK use Fairy liquid) by using a wad of clean kitchen paper towel dampen with warm water and put a dollop of Dawn on the pad and scrub (i do it twice at 90 deg to each other holding the plate by the edge as it is a phonograph record rinse under running water and dry with clean paper towel keep touching only by the edge... I do this every other day of printing with both kinds of plate.
next update your firmware so that the mesh level system uses the new 7 x 7 system not the older 3 x 3
then set your live z with this method it is far better than the zig zag method in the firmware

Napsal : 29/03/2019 1:55 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Printing problems

Great how?

It really depends on what you are trying to solve. A question like "I want better prints, tell me how." doesn't really ask a reasonable question that can be answered. You provide zero information that even remotely helps describe any problem. Therefore the best answer is "Yes, prints can be made better."

Napsal : 29/03/2019 3:09 am