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Printing a Large Project in Multiple Pieces  

Active Member
Printing a Large Project in Multiple Pieces

I'm starting to work on printing some historical markers with a lot of text.  At this point the text font will be about 8 or 10mm although that is not completely defined.  The text will be laid out across the markers (similar to large tiles) in paragraphs and will be too big to print in one pieces.  Prusa slicer has a function for cutting a project into pieces so that it can be printed in multiple parts to be connected later.   I can cut the project horizontally between the lines of print, but...cutting it vertically without cutting letters and words in half is not practical.  I might be able to zigzag the cut in between words, but I  haven't looked closely at the Prusa Slicer function to see if that might be a possibility.

Right now it seems I am destined to do a lot of hand work repairing the final print once the pieces are glued  together.  Just wondering if anyone has done anything like this or do you have any suggestions?  Thank you.

Postato : 16/05/2024 4:49 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Printing a Large Project in Multiple Pieces

I can imagine some options ( I would test this on smaller parts, so you know what to choose): 
- there are some apps around what are able to cut a big image into puzzle parts. Find a way to use that to cut your markers (how big and how high? ) into pieces. Print them and connect them 
- In prusa slicer you can cut using dovetails (or connectors). Using these it is possible to fit the cutted pieces to eachother, with hardly visible lines. 
- Cutting in prusa slicer is only possible along a plane. No curves, so have to be very carefull to not damage the capitals. (and maybe impossible. 
- Place your objects in a 45 degree angle, then you can print a much larger piece. You will need supports (choose organic, because it is easy to remove). but give more possibilities. 

Could you upload an stl example (zipped), so we have a look? 


We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Postato : 16/05/2024 9:20 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printing a Large Project in Multiple Pieces

Thank you for your reply and comments. I am sorry that I disappeared or a while, too many projects to keep up with!  I am thinking that I can cut the print into matching pieces using the design app.  Then, Prusa Slicer will just have to print them.   Sorry, I don't have a stl file to upload - I wanted to have a plan in mind first so that I didn't spend a lot of time spinning my wheels. Thank you again.

Postato : 03/06/2024 1:54 am