Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???
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Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???  

Active Member
Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???

I'm very confused... my model has a "nub" at a certain height, and PrusaSlicer did a fine job of slicing it. I exported the g-code and ran the print, however when the printer got to that height it didn't even try to print the nub... I don't mean it failed, I mean it printed a nice smooth wall, no protrusion at all... 

I'm stumped... any thoughts? I've attached images from slicer and the resulting print (since I can't seem to upload 3mf or g-code files). I also viewed the g-code in the g-code viewer and it looks correct (with nub) there.

This topic was modified před 4 years by KarmaPolice
Napsal : 22/01/2021 4:02 am
Famed Member
RE: Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???

It looks like it's trying to print over air.  You will need to use a support.

Napsal : 22/01/2021 2:10 pm
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
RE: Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???

Compared to the size of your nozzle, how big is the nub?  Another question - what was your layer height relative to the size of the nub?  Items smaller than the nozzle or that are smaller than the layer height often just vanish.

Napsal : 22/01/2021 3:59 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???

can you post a Zipped up .3MF of the project file in question? If so make sure it has all the settings you used when slicing at the time.


The Filament Whisperer

Napsal : 23/01/2021 4:30 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???


Here's the zip of the 3MF file

Napsal : 25/01/2021 6:45 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???

Is this the feature your referring too? the one suspended in mid air and not connected in any way to the model?



The Filament Whisperer

Napsal : 25/01/2021 7:47 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???

In all seriousness though, if you reconnect the piece in question your still going to have an issue with the lower layers of the feature. they will need to be supported or re-oriented to print properly.   

The Filament Whisperer

Napsal : 25/01/2021 7:53 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???


Thanks for this, hadn't noticed it wasn't connected... lol... stupid STL coming in i guess... *sigh* will go figure that out... and yes, i expected the support being needed

Napsal : 25/01/2021 8:13 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer just skipped a feature that exists in the sliced model???

Your very welcome, and I would consider possibly making another hole in the area where the Nub is and then printing the Nub as a separate piece and adding detents to the Nub to lock it in place, of course there is the glue option as well but glues tend to let loose after awhile especially where PETG is concerned.

Good Luck

The Filament Whisperer

Napsal : 25/01/2021 8:45 pm